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Dec 28, 2009
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Tomorrow as you awake, remember the tragic events that occured 10 years ago. We as Americans cannot become complacent and we must remember how it felt on 9/12. My heart and prayers go out to all the families effected by the events 10 years ago.

As an American and as a Firefighter, I can say "We will never forget."
Doug, it was one of those days that one will always remember what they were doing when they heard the news. I was Purchasing Director for a company in central Ohio and I was in an informal meeting in my office with a representative of our lessor. His cell phone rang and he looked at it and said, "This is my wife, I better take it." When he hung up he said, "A plane has just flown into one of the World Trade Center buildings!" We all thought, 'What a horrible accident.' A few minutes later his phone rang again, again his wife, with the news that a second plane had flown into the other World Trade Center building. We knew immediately what this meant.

Later, I bought sweatshirts for my wife and me, commemorating the heroism of the police and fire fighters, with the words, "Never Forget." It always seemed a metaphor to me that as we laundered the shirts, the printing on them faded, just as the memory of many Americans' memories faded. I know that I will never forget, nor will I ever forgive.
Doug, it was one of those days that one will always remember what they were doing when they heard the news. I was Purchasing Director for a company in central Ohio and I was in an informal meeting in my office with a representative of our lessor. His cell phone rang and he looked at it and said, "This is my wife, I better take it." When he hung up he said, "A plane has just flown into one of the World Trade Center buildings!" We all thought, 'What a horrible accident.' A few minutes later his phone rang again, again his wife, with the news that a second plane had flown into the other World Trade Center building. We knew immediately what this meant.

Later, I bought sweatshirts for my wife and me, commemorating the heroism of the police and fire fighters, with the words, "Never Forget." It always seemed a metaphor to me that as we laundered the shirts, the printing on them faded, just as the memory of many Americans' memories faded. I know that I will never forget, nor will I ever forgive.

I was at work at the Loan Center. I hear the news on my radio then everything was hush. I can reacall the only station we could get was Howard Stern (go figure), he was giving a play by play of the events. I watched out over Liberty Avenue as black vehicles went towards Pittsburgh. We were told we could leave work if we needed to. I had already received calls from my daughter who was only 8 at the time and my sons who wanted me with them. I left work and fought 2 hours of traffic. I left work only to arrive in my home town 3 hours later. We (kids and I) we glued to the tv. The events were perilous. America was under attack.

We as Americans must never forget this feeling. If we do, all is lost. We must remember this attack against our county and not be forgivining of this. We are one One America, and that is the only stand we should have. If you threaten America, you should be dealt with, with force and swift force. Enough coddling those who have other favortisms of nationality. You are the United States of America. Where the F*CK are your loyalties. If they are not with then nation you reside, please feel free to leave. I'm sure someone will contribute to your fare. In other words ......... You know where this is going..


Never Forget
I have/had 2 sons in the military after the events of 9/11/2001. My oldest son enlisted n the National Guard. My Youngst son enlisted in the U.S. Marines. (Semper Fi) My oldest son re-enlistged after his 6 year term was over. My youngest son after a tour in both Iraq and Afghanistan, decided (for the time being) 4 years was enough. Tonight I found our the eldest was being deployed in January 2012.

God bless our troops, and all the families affected by the events of 9/11. Those who are gone will never be forgotten. May God protect those who are protecting us.
I was actually conducting a class at the world trade center the day before (9/10). I was on my way into Pa to teach another. My cell phone was not that reliable and (since I was driving in the pocono maountains) I got no reception.

My wife was in a panic. She new I was teaching a class (it was a monday) at the WTC, but did not know that it was only a 1 day class. She tried calling me and, when she could get through, could not get me to pick up. She assumed the worst.

When I got to my client site, I called her. Man, was she a wreck!. I hated that she had to go through this.

I lost several good friends that day. Some of them I was friends with since highschool. My first reaction was one of pure unadulterated ANGER. I still feel that way today (but to a lesser degree).

The only true positive surrounding all of this is that (ten years later) we kept our promise to "never forget". May God bless all those still hurting and may God bless the USA!.