Mosti Mondiale A bit of a disaster with my first Mosti kit

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Oct 21, 2010
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I'd like some feedback on what I should have done differently on my first Mosti kit which is a Barolo Masters kit.

I've been following the instructions to the letter in an attempt to get the best result. The instructions say that the first racking from the primary should be done on day 3-5 when the SG is 1.040-1.050. Anyway, on Day3 (yesterday) the SG was 1.035 and the foam had died down so I decided to go ahead and rack even though it seemed a bit early to me. Yikes! The carboy overflowed with buckets of foam and fluid. I put the airlock on to try and stem the volcano and needless to say that wasn't very pretty either. I ended up putting a carboy cap on with a blowoff tube such as one use in beermaking. It seems to be doing ok now but I think I lost all of the juice I squeezed from the grapes :(

What have people been doing with these Mosti kits? Do you rack when they say too or do you wait? What should I have done differently?

Welcome to da club! If you do a search for Wine Volcano you will see many post with the exact same problem. If you follow the MM directions and add the nutrient as well as oak you will get the volcano everytime. The wine is just to active to transfer to secondary. Most of us keep the wine in primary until ~1.000 and add the nutrient in the primary (at 1.040) as well since there is more headspace for gas to escape.

One things for sure, you only make that mistake once! :se
I ferment all my wines to dry in primary, Those instructions are just stupid!!!!!!!!! You did nothing wrong except follow instructions that are terrible!
I agree with both Mike and Wade. With Mosti kits, I always use a ten-gallon fermentor bucket and ferment all the way to dry in that bucket whenever possible. I NEVER transfer from bucket to carboy until all the volcano stuff has stopped at dry.

There have been times I had to transfer to carboy before wine was completely dry, because I had to leave for several days. In that case, I waited until ALL oak and nutrients had been added and everything had settle down... At about SG 1.000, like Mike said.

You don't have to do the above; you can use an overflow tube instead, if you don't mind loosing a half gallon of your wine. :tz
Thanks for the input fellas. I knew that didn't sound quite right to me. I should have asked :( I'm a bit cheesed that MM would continue to put out such terrible advice with their kits. If it is a known issue then the instructions should be modified. Hopefully the wine turns out better than the carpet :<

Thanks again guys, next time I'll ask if something seems a bit suspect.

Hello Randy,

I know exactly how you feel. Did a Mosti kit in 2008 and the same thing happened. Have not touched a Mosti kit since as we still have some stains in the fermentation room as a reminder. Can't believe they have not changed their instructions as there are plenty of others who have complained about the same.

Happy fermenting
The kits make great wines, just dont follow the instructions thats all. I dont follow any instructions really myself. I ferment to dry in the primary which is sort of some of the RJS kits but after that I disregard the instructions and do everything on my schedule.
Hello Wade,

I am not saying that they don't make good wine. What I feel is that after 4 years of mis -instructing the customer you would think that they would change the instructions. We have a good supply of wine making stores in Calgary, Alberta so we don't have a problem getting any other brands of kits. I feel sorry for the new wine makers who do not have the knowledge or experience that you and I have to prevent the mess that occures when they blow.I have now been making wine for at least 10 years and still don't need a kit to go volcanic on me because of their instructions.
Anyway, keep up the good work and teach by being involved on this forum.
I only joined this forum 1 week ago so am new here but not to winemaking.

Happy Fermenting
Thanks Ludo. I think I'd use the kit again if the wine turns out well. I'll modify the techniques however. I think that MM should modify the instructions however and have dropped them a line telling of my experience.
