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Senior Member
Sep 13, 2007
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How do you know the abv of a batch of wine? I would like to add this to my labels.
There are mathematical calculations you can do, charts you can use and a simple hydrometer works. One of the scales is potential ABV. Use the starting SG move around the scale and see what ABV value is next to it. If it finishes below 0, add that amount to the first. So if starting ABV is 12 and you go .75 below 0 add the two and get 12.75%. Certainly close enough for homemade wine. Edited by: appleman
I use this simple calculator:

Just put in your starting SG and your ending and it will tell you what the ABV is.

I use it a lot to start a wine. I but in my ending SG 0f .998, then kepp adjusting the starting SG till I get the desired ABV, then I'll know what SG I need to start the wine out with. I never noticed the temp part to work on this calculator, so I'm sure it will only get you close, not an exact science with tis one.