adding tartness

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Oct 23, 2014
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40 mile yonder & PLUM NOWHERE, N.E. ARKANSAW
a couple years ago I made a pear, apple blend with just a touch of sergeants yellow crabapples, I'm fixing to start a cherry wine and plan on using some crab apples to tart it up some, my white blend that I used the crabapples in I adore , and the folk around here that I swap back and forth with, eggs, wine, rabbit meat beef, an pork, I have not spent a dime on hay in a few years, and the man I trade with holds Arkansas's protein level record in Bermuda hay, my question is has anyone tried using crab apples to tart up country wines, I'd not mind getting a leg up with others knowledge that is in my opinion the fastest way to learn,, , I have no worries in messing something up because of money or labor, but time I do not care to waste, has anyone experimented with crab apples in different types of wine, and I know I can use acid blends and other ways, but I like to get all I can from the land by my hand, that's why I eat farm raised beef, pork, chicken, rabbit, egg's and garden, I'm a firm believer that 2/3 to 3/4 of sickness an disease comes from commercial made products, I mean heck most boiled skinless tomato's are striped by using lye
that bout says it all on what your eating an drinking when using store bought,
Thank You
Sure, stick a few crabapples in. They will make you pucker up just fine. If you are using pie cherries, you mite not need the crabapples as they have a bit of apucker factor on their own. This comes from experience with the crabs that come off the tree in my yard and it doesn't take a lot of them to change the wine some. Yours may be different so proceed with caution. Good luck with it, Arne.
you won't get an argument out of me on the 2/3 - 3/4 sickness We eat what we or the local farmers grow. Not sure on how much the crab apples would add an apple flavor to your wine but it would probably be a good experiment. For me, I would probably use the acid blend.
Could you just get the juice from the apples and blend to taste post ferment? Might need to give it a few months after you blended in a Carboy to be sure it doesn't re-ferment due to a little added sugar.
my last batch I used 20 lbs apples 20 pounds pears and 3 lb crab apples, that was decent, soooo I thought some experimenting my not hurt to much,
only difference I would change in that was to double everything and add more sugar,

Could you just get the juice from the apples and blend to taste post ferment? Might need to give it a few months after you blended in a Carboy to be sure it doesn't re-ferment due to a little added sugar.