Alberta MWM seeks passionate relationship with full bodied grape

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Member Extraordinaire
Feb 10, 2014
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I've got the gear and a basic understanding but currently I have many more questions than answers.

I'm learning all I can from this forum, youtube, google and some local kit merchants. I'm in this for the long haul. You shouldn't see me wasting anyone's time with stupid questions right away but you can expect some crazy ideas from me in the future.

You are a great community of like-minded, helpfull people. Nice to meet you :)

Hi Mickey and welcome to WMT.
Your headline got my attention right away. I thought it said "Alberta MWM seeks passionate relationship with full bodied GIRL."

A good sense of humor is essential here. You'll fit right in. :b
Thanks for the warm welcome. also I can see that my : ) means this :) here when I really meant something simpler like this :D. I'm just happy.
:h Everyone is HAPPY here, but what would you expect from a group whose lives revolve around wine making/drinking. :dg
Welcome- I'm a new member too! And I live in Edmonton. I've been brewing for a few years, but am still getting the lay of the land in Alberta. Whereabouts are you?

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Hi Mickey and welcome to WMT.
Your headline got my attention right away. I thought it said "Alberta MWM seeks passionate relationship with full bodied GIRL."

A good sense of humor is essential here. You'll fit right in. :b

That is hilarious !! Yes that got my attention -
good one Lori
Thanks guys. I've learned so much here already!

I'm was born and raised in Edmonton but moved to St. Albert (it's a separate city, but functions as a suburb) about 5 years ago. That said, I have family and business all over the province so I see most of it each year.

Where are you @levibjork?
Etownmickey- I'm a newcomer to Alberta. I'm originally from Minnesota and Wisconsin, moved to Edmonton in 2012.

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So we are close then :)

Given our recent temperature dive, I won't bother to ask how you're enjoying it here haha.

I just racked a strawberry Riesling and built my first Dragon Blood must. I have a sangiovese-merlot kit ready to go, a bucket of prosecco juice on the way and I'm very much enjoying this new hobby :h
It's a great hobby. And since moving up here where the retail price if wine is twice what it is in the US, my wife is fully on board with me making as much wine as possible. I've got nothing on right now, enjoying some dragons blood and some of my last year's reds (petit Verdot, Nebbiolo, cab sauv). I've got some batches on deck for this month that I'm excited about. I just need to brew faster than I drink so I can actually accumulate bottles.

Oh, and yes, I'm not thrilled about the weather. I'm used to the cold from my Minnesota childhood, but the winter is just a tad longer and a tad colder up here.

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