where these juices? is one a kit or both fresh juice if there fresh juice what do they finish out with a v.,wade had sent me a amerone as a taste treat and it was good,very good,that was a kit, IT just went head to head with 57 different red wines in a blind tasting and the amarone scored third highest overall,using the cal.davis score method the other two were kits,there's a marked difference in what we can do with the product we are given to work with and The final outcome,i'm not saying those of us who use fresh juice cant make a decent bottle of wine ,we can and (for my own accounting) do ,but the out come is not as sure as a kit,there usually spot on,for what there end product is supposed to be ,for them,but not quite ,so getting back to the amerone ,this is a hard product to try and mimic,its not in my opinion like a cab,or shiraz,its unto itself,as a footnote all the italian wines up here come in cincinnati and are distributed from that point,the twO vendors up here are procacci bros. and ginos, and they both get them from there,,we have discovered as a overall group that they lack aroma after fermentation and the body of the wine is thin body,that's way all the talk about putting bananas in the mix ,no italian wine maker in italy would dream of doing that ,i truly think its time to find out the what they are really selling us ,AND WHAT THE DULUTIONFACTOR IS,SORRY IF I GOT ON A SOUP BOX BUT THIS HAS BEEN A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ON MY MIND FOR YEARS NOW,,THIS SEASON I CUT BACK ON MY VOLUMNE OF MAKING AND CONCENTRATED ON PERFECTING THE WINE I WILL MAKE,