Am I trying to tell myself something

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Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
Western New York
Tonight when I was making dinner (OK Dan, I was reheating a slice of pizza) and as I was about to pour myself a glass of wine I look down and I am starting to tip the wine bottle into a pint beer glass. I did laugh out loud.

saving double handling?

I see this as time efficient!

Allie :bt
Its not that bad, when you are putting Sangria in a 1 liter fest mug to save the trips back to the wine bar, now thats efficient, and alcholic.
Not Laughing Larry I had the same thing tonight (reheated pizza). I did have a beer with it though.

I usually have a beer as soon as I get home from work. This morning I put my recycling bin out to the curb. It was a little light, only containing 1 weeks worth of newspapers and 1 lonely soup can half filled with beer caps.