Mosti Mondiale Amarone

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Senior Member
Dec 7, 2008
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Hi All!!!

I'm new at this wine making... But love it!!!! I'm planning on making all 3 of the 23 liter kits... (Megiloli, All Juice Masters Edition and Original all Juice) for a comparison test. I plan on bulk aging all 3.. althought after reading all of the post on bulk or bottle aging, my head is spinnig!!!
The minimum aging time is: 1 year for the Megiloli, 9 months for the Original all Juice and 6 months for the Masters Edition. Do yall think that I should stagger them where they all finish at the same time, or make them at the same time.I'm sure that i'm forgetting something!!! Any insight would be appreciated!!
Darryl, welcome to the forum!! Sounds like you have got the wine bug!!

If I was Darryl for the day, I would stagger them. That way you are going to have some wines ready before others.
May I suggest maybe making a Vinfera Noble wine for a quicker drinking wine while you wait for the 23 liter kit to age.

Good luck. Sounds like some good wines in the line up!! :)
Hi uavwmn,
I have a few of the VN kits(I did the drink one age one special)... I also have a VN Castel Del Papa aging and a Renascence Amarone aging, and a few other kits in waiting!!!
I would make them all at the same time, and compare the three at 6 months, 9 months and one year. Never been a big follower of the recommended minimum aging set by the manufacturer's, believe they all need more time. Would be a good way to test the aging process of each, and see if they do indeed progress on a different time schedule. Good luck with them whatever you do, they all make a good wine!
I agree with JW. If you want to compare them, all the conditions to be the same and the only way to that is start them all at once. BTW the Mosti Renaissance Amarone is a fantastic wine and I'll bet that it will match up well with the ones you plan on comparing - just you know sayin........
What ever you decide I look forward to see how they stack up against each other. Have fun.
I find it weird that the Masters has a lower aging time then the All juice as its supposedly a better product and better products should be aged longer. I had to look it up to see and thast what it says but wonder if that is a mistake.
Hi wade, I thought the same thing???? I talked with George today and he said that all of the aging times are going to change... he thought that they were to short... all of the 23 liter kits will be at least 18 months from the start date... he dosen't know yet...
I think JW right on the mark, except I would forget the 3 month and add an eighteen month and two year.
As to timing, if you have space to storethem, the experiment would be better if you made them all at the same time. I can't remember 3 months back as to how a wine tasted! I need them side by side!
Hi Jack,
I'm leaning your way... I plan on making them all at the same time... So I can taste and compair at the same time!!! After talking with George, they all need to age eighteen months. Thanks for your input,

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