Amber wine bottles

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Senior Member
Dec 7, 2008
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Hey everybody.
Does anyone know where to get amber color, Bordeaux wine bottles?

I have the green, I would prefer amber.
The Recycle Bin behind the fancy Italian Restuartant; usually has very nice ones in stock. May take several weekly trips to accumulate a full 30 bottle batch of amber bordeux.

I am checking them out. Still not seeing right ones, But there"signiture series" look awsome.
I don't know where you live but I just picked up about 15 cases of them for $3.00 a case at a local winery. I had to clean them and remove labels but it was worth it. Check your local wineries if you have any for used bottles.
I am not shure where you are at, but the recycle center in Park City has a great selection of every color and type you could immagine, It has worked great for me.
ZSHJ said:
I ano shure where you are at, but the recycle center in Park City has a great selection of every color and type you could immagine, It has worked great for me.

I have never heard of this place... I will check it out. That may be worth a drive. (I am in Provo)
Goodfellow... ASAI is right!!!! I get about 2 cases a month(amber) form my restaurant...the owner is a friend of mine and I give him wine, so that might help!!!!