Anyone have a good basic recipe for making Port?

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What ingredients do you have available?

Ports are pleasantly sweet and loaded with flavor. The last one I made was one of my best - for a 1 gallon batch I used 10 lbs wild grapes, 5 lbs blackberries, and 1.5 lbs elderberries. Personally I wouldn't make a port without elderberries, they add SO much. I step fed and finished at 18.2%. Alcohol wasn't noticeable at all! There's a reason port glasses are smaller than wine glasses - one glass and standing becomes a challenge.😄
I am looking at some Frontenac grapes that are local. Thought I would take half for the port and the other half for wine. Just to try it.
I made a very nice Frontenac port style wine last year. I fermented the grapes then used a Pearson square to figure out additions of sugar and grain alcohol to make the percentages of the port style. Step feeding is better for flavor reasons I think, and I just couldn't figure out beginning sugar levels to hit a percentage of alcohol and residual sweetness. Fermenting dry and then making additions worked better for me. Frontenac really has a nice flavor to it.