Anyone have any info on this Crusher/destemer?

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Jul 7, 2009
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Northern Nuevo Mexico
Saw this out on the intertubes.

I think its different from the one George sells but just looking for any information as far as quality. Price is not too bad.


Already thinking about next year!
Looks pretty much like all the other hand drive models.

Some come with a motor bracket already in place so that you can convert to motor drive later. You many want to make sure it has that.

I think the aluminum rollers are a good idea. Some have plastic, which I think is harder to sanitize.

Painted hopper is ok, but you want the destem screen to be stainless steel.

Usually the black cover on the left comes off and the destem screen slides out forcleaning.
My destemmer screen is painted. As long as you clean it after every use which you better or youll probably never get it clean again it should be fine. I have only used mine twice though but dont even see any scratches on it at all. Keep it clean and dry it off after every use and rust wont be a problem.
One other thing. You will need the stand with a hopper chute under it.
The saw horse and Rubbermaid 28"x24" is what I use but would like to eventually get the stand and mount wheels on it! Its nowhere where near as badly needed as fixing the press to have some sort of stand though.
I regret not buying the stand, sothis summer I mademy own. I got tired of carryingitaround from storage to crush pad and back.I was always working with smaller batches of must, so brutes are oversize for me.
With this standI made a hopper that dumps out the end into a ferment pail orusually I use my brew kettle.Also the top of the stand is big enough that Ican lay thedestemmeron its side to clean.

My "apprentice" and I made the stand hopper out of plywood, filled all joints, coated with epoxy all over, then enamel paint.
I found out that I did need a stand after I used mine a couple of times. This thing is just to ackward to handle aloneand I hate asking the Mrs. to help lift things. The apprentice is always around, like a shadow, but too small to help with this.

The stand they make for the one you buy may have a better hopper, so I recommend you look at it.
I see you still have a smaller crusher in the corner. Do you still use that one also at times?
To buy one with or with out a Motor that is the Question.

This is a question for the guys who bought a unit without a motor.

Are you happy with the unit or do you wish you had bought the motor unit?