Anyone Leave Stirrer in Primary Bucket?

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Jul 3, 2023
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I’m curious if anyone leaves their stirrer, whatever it may be, in the primary bucket during primary. I have been doing this for the last five batches and have not had any problems.
I feel like it’s much easier and introduces less chance of bacteria getting in than constantly taking it out and putting it back in next time you want to stir. All you have to do is disinfect your hands and away you go. Of course the stirrer has to be tall enough not to go under the must so this only works for 3 gallon or smaller batches.
Whats your thoughts and experiences with this?
Here’s my 2 gallon batch of pear wine that I just pitched yeast into.
I haven't, but I typically have multiple batches started at once, so I need to my stirring paddles. Mine are stainless steel, short and long handled versions.

IMO you're in more danger of an infection by leaving a wooden stirrer in the must than by cleaning the stirrer after use / sanitizing before next use. Sugar will be on the wood above the must-line, and it's a potential area for mold/bacteria to grow. If you clean the stirrer after use and sanitize before the next use, the chance of an infection is close to zero, especially after the must reaches 6% ABV.
I haven't, but I typically have multiple batches started at once, so I need to my stirring paddles. Mine are stainless steel, short and long handled versions.

IMO you're in more danger of an infection by leaving a wooden stirrer in the must than by cleaning the stirrer after use / sanitizing before next use. Sugar will be on the wood above the must-line, and it's a potential area for mold/bacteria to grow. If you clean the stirrer after use and sanitize before the next use, the chance of an infection is close to zero, especially after the must reaches 6% ABV.
Yeah I agree wooden is not the best. I will probably switch mine to a SS spoon as I do have a long one.
Well sort of. I have some stainless which I use to ladle gravity samples, it stays on a wire hook on the edge in the broth. I also will hang a SS spoon for mixing skins on a wire and yes I have lost the spoon before the wire trick.
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