Anyone using Intelli tank

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Aug 24, 2011
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I have talked to Steve Hughes owner of Intelli - tank and It is built to be use with vacuum. It has alot of other great features as well .

Please let me know if anyone has tried this as I am interested in getting one -

Just looking at the website, it looks like it is $385.00 or $465.00 for the first tank - depending on whether you take a 23L or 57L - and $225.00 to $275.00 for each tank you add?

23L - $98.50
Spout - $25.00
Valve - $92.50
Tri-Clamp - $8.00
Total - $224.00

57L - $149.50
Spout - $25.00
Valve - $92.50
Tri-Clamp - $8.00
Total - $275.00

One Time expenses:
Racking Assembly - $150.00
Racking Extension - $15.00 (x2) - (Only on the larger tank)
Racking Tip - $10.00
Total - $190.00

23L Total - $384.00 Plus Shipping
57L Total - $465.00 Plus Shipping

I recognize that glass carboys can be dangerous, but even at $60.00 apiece for the best Italian glass they are a lot cheaper. What is the advantage of these tanks?

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Thanks Cody - he made it seem like it was approx 60 dollars for a comparable carboy ( 6 gallon ). This is definitely out of my price range !

It sounded like a good idea at the time, but I surely did not do enough homework on this subject.

I am glad I posted it !!

Just looking at the tanks, it looks like one could get by with just the tank. Those are $98.50 and $149.50 respectively. There would be an advantage in an unbreakable container. However, using it without the additions of the lower valve and racking system would limit its value. You would have to make a custom racking cane for the larger one if you did not order one with extensions from the company.

I wasn't trying to discourage you, I was just trying to see the advantage you see in this product. $150.00 for a 15 gallon, vacuum resistant fermentor is not completely out of line. However, I think I would want the lower valve and racking system they offer if I had a tank that large and that nice. It's the bells and whistles that drive the price up.


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