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Aug 8, 2010
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I am new to wine making, i have done about 8 kits including reds, whites and one port. I am now trying my first two from scratch, here is what i did and where i am at and a list of a few questions i have.

First is a 23L Apple raspberry, (Added sugar after topping up with water so its 24L)

10L of pressed apple juice, (i cored and froze apples and pressed once thawed)
4L of raspberries, in cheese cloth
White sugar, to get Sg to 1.090
1.25 tsp of grape tannins
5 tsps yeast nutrient
2.5 pectic enzime
acid blend after tannins to get .65%
Lavlen k1-1116 yeast
Starting temp was low 60's

I added all in ingrediants first night and raspberries squeed and removed just befor adding the yeast 24 hours later at a temp of 78.

Second batch was 19L Of just apple, (actualy 19L this time )

Same list and reading as last one except less to match 4gal instead of 5gal.

yeast was added on Aug 29, and tonight i checked on then and this is what i found.

apple/raspberry was sounding like it was bubling nice, with froth fron yeast on the top, witch i thought should have fell into the must. Sg reading was 1.09 no change ? so i gave it a gental stir, and still 1.09 and now no bubbleing sound,
Question, since there was rapberry seeds on the top would that have stopped yeast from falling into the must, and did this hinder the prossses, Should i add yeast booster at this time or wait another day now i stired it. (smell and color both good no change)

Apple, I checked on this one rapid bubbles, no foam, color turning a bit brown from green, and the smell is a bit different today, yesterday it smelt normal, and today smells a bit off. I have read about someone mentioning H2S befor is that what i am smelling? is it bad? do i need to do anything ?
Sg reading funny enough was 1.2 lol so i stired the must and rechecked it was still bubbleing after stiring unlike the other one and the Sg was now at 1.07, witch is what i would be exsceting.

Anyone willing to give some input would be great Thanks.
unforntunatly i have a cold that came on yesterday and also have a bad sence of smell but ill try, it smells powerful, and a bit fizzy, and smells a bit like bile. not rotting, and not rotting eggs. It give my stomach a bit of a turn. But i have a weak stomach too lol.
First post i forgot to say i added 5 camden tablets to the apple/raspberry and 4 to the apple, first befor i added the rest of the ingrediants.
It could just be off smells that the fermentation is giving off.

What type of yeast did you use?
I used lavlen k1-1116, I have spash racked the one and the smell almost disapeared, i am certain i am dealing with H2S now. It even started smelling the same on the other batch, i stired both well and added more nutrient at about half way threw feramentation , (should i have added energizer instead), it have been 16 hours since and it has seemed to help with the oder. I Plan to use sorbate at the 1.000 mark and at witch point i plan to splash rack a few time till oder is gone.

I have read a few articles regarding nutrient and i was led to belive i should have waited about 24 hours after adding the yeast to add it, is this correct or does it gone in befor the yeast as i did?
Do not add sorbate or sulfite(campden tablets) until fermentation has stopped and sg is stable for 3 days. Doing so can stress the yeast that are trying to finish the job and can create off flavors and or smells. What is the sg now?

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