WineXpert Australian Chardonnay

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Senior Member
Dec 26, 2011
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Technically I am not the one maiking this. My friend is using my equipment and this is his first kit. He did buy a carboy so really its just the primary, and racking cane he's borrowing. I want that primary back soon to get my next batch going! We mixed it up last night and had bubbles in the airlock by this morning. Was excited to see the four packs of toasted oak "shavings". Smells great! He is pretty excited. Seems like this kit has been getting good reviews. Was a 15L bag of juice so I have high hopes!
If you have this kit in a primary bucket, you really shouldn't have the lid snapped tight with an airlock at this point. Fermentation needs oxygen at this early stage. IMHO Good Luck!
It's going to get a stir once a day to mix in the oak floaters and that will get a little fresh air in. Although the kit instructions don't mention that it needs any stirring. Actually the WE instructions say to put on the lid with airlock and leave it alone until "step 2 in 5-7 days" when transfer to carboy (paraphrasing). I would think if it needed oxygen the instructions should say something.
Yep, W.E. does say to close up the fermenting wine. I guess they have had more problems with wine makers oxidizing their wine, so they choose to risk a stuck, incomplete fermentation over the risk of oxidation. However, a white wine is more susceptible to oxidation than a red, so locking it down will not be as bad as it would be for a heavy red, especially one with a grape or raisin pack.

WE instructions also say to lock down the reds, as well.

Close it down .vs. give it some air!!! This is a battle no one can ever win! Home wine makers do it both ways with good, consistent success.

If I were WE, I think I would just do a better job of explaining the process, so oxidation would not be such an issue.

I can't help but believe that even though the fermentation completes, a locked down fermentation will always leave something lacking in the wine, even though maybe most of us would never be able to tell the difference. There is more going on in a fermentation than just converting sugars to CO2 and alcohol.

This is one of those occasions where it pains me to tell someone to go by the instructions, but, here goes -

"Until you become experienced and really understand the process, always go by the instructions. If you deviate and the wine does not turn out, the kit manufacturer won't have to honor their warranty on the kit."
wet diaper smell

So, my friend that is making the kit told me it smells like wet diapers. It has been fermenting fine. He gave it a good stir on day 2 then let it sit for a couple days. Was fermenting along so he had let it sit. Then he noticed a smell and gave evrything a good stir. This apparently got everything really moving and was pushing some very frequent bubbles through the airlock but stinking up his pantry. The temp is about 74 and consistent. The SG has dropped from 1.086 to 1.020 in about 4 days. Anyone ever had a smell like wet diapers with their wine? I am hoping its just a phase. We plan to rack into the secondary on Sunday so I will be able to give a first hand description of the smell if it is still stinky.
It sounds like someone mistook the primary fermenter for a diaper pail. I just hate when that happens! :D :D :D :D
transfer to secondary

This chard went into the secondary today (day 8). The SG was down from 1.086 to .996 which was a bit lower than directions but gave it a couple more days to hang out with the oak chips which is fine for my buddy (and me) who likes an oaky chard. It is still pushing out a few bubbles but I think that will stop in the next day or so. Might be ready for stabilizing by next weekend, if not for sure by the week after.

There were a few (couple dozen maybe) suspended oak chips that were sucked into the carboy during the transfer. Most of the oak was on the bottom. First kit with oak chips and had one question. Will the isinglass drag the oak to the bottom or will some of them keep floating or suspend in the wine?

Of course would like them to settle out so as not to have to pick them out when racking before bottling. oh...last thing. the diaper smell my friend had spoken of was gone. Guess when it was really bubbling strong it stunk up the pantry (10x10 room) so bad they turned on a fan! but all is well. Tried a little taste and even with all the floaters in it seems like it will be nice when finished.
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Looks like fermentation on this kit is done. Today is day 14 and SG is holding at .990. Looks like abv about 12.7%. Would be nice to let it age on the lees a few months but my friend is looking forward to his first bottling so just going to follow the instructions timeline and add stabilizers and clarifier in a few days.
Looks like fermentation on this kit is done. Today is day 14 and SG is holding at .990. Looks like abv about 12.7%. Would be nice to let it age on the lees a few months but my friend is looking forward to his first bottling so just going to follow the instructions timeline and add stabilizers and clarifier in a few days.

Bottle some of it now; let the rest stay on the lees for a month or two; then bottle that. Just be sure to move wine to a smaller carboy, so you can keep it topped off.

This chard will be a lot better if allowed to age in the bottle for 6 months or so.
Bottle some of it now; let the rest stay on the lees for a month or two; then bottle that. Just be sure to move wine to a smaller carboy, so you can keep it topped off.

This chard will be a lot better if allowed to age in the bottle for 6 months or so.

robie...I do have a 3g carboy I could lone him, but not two. Hmmm...??? I like the idea, just trying to figure out how I can pull this off. Guess I would need to get another carboy or atleast some 1g jugs. Might have to be an experiment for another kit but I love the idea of bottling some according to "instructions" and playing with the rest.

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