basket press stave spacing

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Senior Member
Sep 19, 2012
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3/16" is the general consensus for spacing i know that. I'm using a mixture of 1 3/16" oak, 1 1/2" oak, and 1" oak widths.

I can figure out the spacing center to center for them all to allow for 3/16" on a flat surface. But what about when it curves around? The spacing will shrink a bit. So should I be spacing 1/4" to allow that to shrink down to 3/16"?
What ever you decide on, remember you will still need a nylon bag inside of it
oh ok. I would use a bag for cider pressing, but i figured the spacing for wine would be keeping grapes inside. I'll go with my plan then
No matter what, you will either need a bag for your fruit OR what we do for grapes is line the inside with fiberglass window screening to keep the skins from pushing through. Be sure to post some pictures and good luck.

I never thought about nylon screen! What a great idea. Everyone builds these presses and think they can press with just the wood slates, they soon find out the grapes start spraying out and they then have a mess on their hands
Window screen works great on bladder presses but It should work ok on a regular press. The block isn't that tight against the slats. We wrap it around the inside and fold it over the top of the fruit before putting the wood plate in.
i used my friend's press last year and it was only staves, just REALLY close together spacing. However, I have those nylon paint strainer bags from hardware store so I'll use those.
I do not worry about it. I have an 18" diameter strainer (you can get one at any restaurant supply store) that is Stainless Steel. I just slip this over the top of the "catch bucket". This seems to me to be a lot less trouble.
I tried one of the 5 gallon paint strainer bags the first time I pressed. It caused more problems that it fixed. The next season when I bought my own press I found things went twice as fast without the bag. I might have just a tad more sediment but you have so much sediment after you crush with or without the strainer you really didn't notice it.
oh ok. I'm going to be using the bags with apple cider however. I'll go without it for wine.
if you get the actual press bags, they are a larger hole than the strainer bags...that is what I use. I bought them on line for my press and I think they were 3 for $10. I rinse, wash in the washing machine and air dry then dip in kmeta before use.