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Ernest T Bass

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2010
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I'm not sure if this belongs on the chit-chat or joke forum. I have 5 gallons of elderberry that is down to 1.000 and has been there for a couple of days. It is still working good, but I decided it needed a little more O2. I took the air lock off and stuck a dowel rod in to stir it. Well, it was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen, deep purple mountains with snow covered peaks, awh! it was beautiful and that went on until it had put about a gallon of elderberry on the floor. Lesson learned, I don't think I'll do that again. No body has ever acused me of being very smart, but I won't forget this lesson.
Semper Fi
Oh Bud, I am quite sure there are a lot of people on here who have tried to degas their wine and did not realize what a volcano it will become. I know I have had a fountain of wine coating my floor :)
lol....i had one time, early on in my wine making, that i went to do a juice/sugar addition to backsweeten, and had forgotten the sorbate soon as i poured the juice/sugar solution in, immediately it turned into a geyser as soon as it hit the probably went shooting up a good 2-3 feet from the top of the carboy....i think we've all had little accidents time and again when starting out....
Yup - my first time i rack to soon and too high in my secondary!!!

Airlock was flooded - wine all over the bsmt floor...

The volcanio can be stopped by pressing hard on the bottle opening with the hand for awhile.
My set up for that problem in case you missed it

That's a very good idea. I always take it very easy when I start degassing, but one never knows if it might just take off. This setup will save the day.
How did you decide it needed O2, come up with that one all by yourself? It needed O2 at the begining when you added the yeast, not after the yeast is pretty much done. I have left all my elderberry winemaking stains on my basement floor, many mishaps like yours, CSI couldnt figure out what went wrong in basement on their best day! Crackedcork

ps check our our elderberrywinemaking site for a little help with this great wine

I'm not sure if this belongs on the chit-chat or joke forum. I have 5 gallons of elderberry that is down to 1.000 and has been there for a couple of days. It is still working good, but I decided it needed a little more O2. I took the air lock off and stuck a dowel rod in to stir it. Well, it was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen, deep purple mountains with snow covered peaks, awh! it was beautiful and that went on until it had put about a gallon of elderberry on the floor. Lesson learned, I don't think I'll do that again. No body has ever acused me of being very smart, but I won't forget this lesson.
Semper Fi
I reckon I was just grasping for straws, I didn't know what was going on. I had two more blow up today, blew the corks across the basement, what a mess. About two years ago I wanted to make "good" wine, now I just want to make wine that doesn't explode. I've taken all the wine out of the bottles and back in the carboys, added more Sorbate (the bottle says to use a quarter tsp per gallon) I found out about a month ago that is if you are making dry wine, use a half tsp if you are going to backsweeten. I added another quarter tsp of sorbate and a pinch of K-Meta per gallon after I took it out of the bottles and put it back in the carboys. I've checked th SpGr on each carboy after transferring it, I'll watch the SpGr to see if it ferments anymore. Note: Checking back on my notes, it had feermented from 1.025 to 1.018 and one had gone to 1.010. I wonder how far the ones that blew up went before they exploded? I'm going to watch the SpGr and when it doesn't change for amonth, I'll bottle again.
Semper Fi