Been sick

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2012
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Just wanted to say I have not been aroudn m,uch because I was sick for 10 days with a nasty intestinal bug. I did not die, but I now know what it'll feel like when I do!

I have had to postpone my strawberry bottling and also my taste testing of JoesWine's generous shipment.

Hoping all that evens out soon. Cheers!
Hope everything its better, I had a bad intestinAl bug about 2 week s ago as well. Lasted about 10 days as well. Now yesterday I had a sky high fever and missed out on racking my 8 one gal jugs that are now clear. I hope I get it done soon, I'm excited for my flavor experiments
Welcome back

looking for your full out return to normal soon, jim....get well and get back to us, brother....
Thanks for the well-wishes. I had the surgery, and pretty much healed from that, then caught this nasty intestinal bug for 10 days. I should be paid in full for sickness for awhile!

I hope to get the strawberry bottled next week. It is still nice and red and bulk aging. The county fair is rapidly approaching and I would like to enter my blueberry and maybe a bottle of this strawberry for kicks.

I am way behind now on farm work since I was laid up 10 additional days by this bug, so my off-time has had to go to that. Getting caught up now.

Still looking for a new job. I am at T-minus 5 weeks and counting until this one runs out. :w

I'll get back to regularly posting again when things settle into some kind of new routine again. I have two kits that have been sitting waiting, and I can't even seem to find the time to get those going nowadays. Joe's wine bottles are still in the Vinotemp, calling out to me in a muffled tone...

"Let us out! Let us out!"


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