Yeah I hesitated to jump is as I have never made a Mead. To my limited understanding a "Mead" is "Fermented" just as a wine is and not like a beer is "Brewed." That's a small thing but sometimes those small things will bite you where and when you least expect it.
Looks like a good starting point would be in this sites forum on Meads:
There are some subtle differences I imagine but a lot of the steps are the same for grape, fruit, and Honey (Mead) wine making. (Yeah Grapes are a fruit I know.)
The reason I mentioned initially the difference between Brewing and Fermenting is that some things are significantly different such as Sterilizing equipment for brewing is a critical action, but for wine making we only need to sanitize our equipment. Additionally (And I just learned this a few days ago) there are some types of organisms that 'some' brewers use, that will essentially ruin wine makers entire operation, to the point, according to some sources, of rendering a home unsuitable for ever making wine there once that organism has been introduced to the environment. Again, this may be wrong, but; if I understand correctly that would compare to the headaches when a house becomes a home to "Black Mold" and it is just about impossible to remove it.
Sorry if this is belaboring the issues.
In any case welcome and I really would suggest you look into the forum link I posted above. Mead makers will probably swamp you with help, but; then that's a good thing.