Ok, I pulled the trigger on this combination and it has been nothing but interesting. After waiting 2 days for the campden tablets to do their thing I pitched 71B yeast. Well, in my busy day I forgot to add the pectic enzyme & yeast nutrient. I realized that 2 days later after no yeast activity. Well when I added the missing it still took 2 days before the yeast got busy. Just guess what was coming out the airlock? H2S! Lots of it. The room smelled like rotten eggs, the entire room. I just love this stuff! The way my mind works I am a troubleshooter, have even worked on foreign soil as one. So a bit of research (Wine School) and 2 oxygen enriching racking and a double dose of yeast nutrient and now it taste awesome. H2S gone. Nothing says it won't come back later but I really don't think it will. 2.36 on the PH, 1.130SG starting, and I had to add a blow-off tube to handle the vigor now. Plum notes dominated in the beginning but now Blueberry is coming on very strong. The color change is fantastic to watch on a daily basis. More later.