Blueberry Wine Body Enhancer

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Senior Member
Jan 6, 2009
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In another thread, it was suggested that bananas can be used in place of red grape concentrate to add body to wine. And that the bananas do not add taste (unlike the red grape concentrate).


1. How ripe should the bananas be?

2. Should the banana peeling be boiled along with the banana itself?

3. How many bananas should be used for a 1 gallon batch of blueberry wine?


I like mine very ripe in that the peel is already beginning to darken. You just cut them up into about 1" thick slices, peeling and all. For a 1 gallon batch I myself would use 2-3 bananas
The darker the banana the better it is. Do what Waldo said. It should be fine. Consider putting it in a muslin bag if still in a bucket.

You may need to re-clairify the wine thou.
TEPE have you really tried this? and if so I would like to taste the effect .........
Although bananas can be used to enhance the body of a wine, I have found that red grape concentrate and a blueberry wine make excellent partners.
joeswine said:
TEPE have you really tried this? and if so I would like to taste the effect .........

NO! Butt, Bill J. from the clubdid. I know from making Banana cake that the darker the banana the sweeter they are.