Blueberry Wine, How Do I Proceed?

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Jul 25, 2013
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I was hoping someone could explain what my next step is. I know that I need to move the must to my secondary fermenter but I don't know when I shOuld do that. I also don't know what else I should add (Sorbate? Sparklloyd? K-Meta? Campden tablets?)

Here is what I've done so far:

7/23 - Mixed the following:
-20 lbs blueberries (frozen, thawed, mashed, in fermentation bag)
-72 oz. (.56 gal.) Grape juice concentrate
-7.5 lbs white granulated sugar
-7.5 tsp acid blend
-1 1/4 tsp yeast nutrient
-2.5 tsp pectic enzyme
-6 potassium metabisulfite (campden) tablets (crushed)
-water to 6 gallons

Specific Gravity = 1.110

7/24 - added yeast, stirred, covered with lid and airlock

7/25 - cracked lid to allow oxygen intake, stirred

7/26 - stirred, found a small amount of mold on the inside of the lid, sterilized the lid and replaced it. Still cracked open.

7/27 - stirred, read specific gravity, (1.060) sealed with (re-sterilized) lid and airlock (No mold found)

7/28 - stirred, read specific gravity, (1.040) re-sterilized lid and airlock and resealed. (No mold found)

I get off work at 11 am so I'll read the specific gravity for today and update.

First of all, does all of that seem to be in order? Did I miss anything major?

Secondly, when should I siphon to the secondary fermenter? And what else should I add?

Thanks in advance!
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If you get down to 1.000 or less, it's time to get it in the carboy. Siphon it off with a racking cane into the secondary, leaving the bulk of the debris behind.

DO NOT add sorbate to cloudy wine--it will not work. Use sorbate at bottling time if you plan to sweeten. If you don't sweeten, no need for sorbate. Sorbate only works in wines that have as many yeast cells removed as possible and this is done thru racking.

You will probably want this to bulk age 9 months to 1 year---rack in between as needed. In the end you'll have a light dusting of lees which you can leave there until bottling. Then you rack into a clean carboy,leaving the light lees behind when you are ready to bottle.

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