Blueberry wine or melomel????

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Senior Member
Nov 30, 2008
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I had some time today so I finally put my new steam juicer to work. I had some blueberries and when all was said and done I ended up with 12Qts. of juice.

My question is this, When I start either a wine or melomel with this juice how much juice should I use per gallon??

Here are some Pics



I would suggest using whatever figures out to the amount of fruit you would have used per gallon. For example- let's say you get 2 quarts out of 4 pounds. You want to use 4 lbs for a gallon of wine for that fruit so put 2 quarts in per gallon. If you want 2 lbs per gallon, use 1 quart.

What do others do?
I always go by the weight: RE If I use 4lbs of Blueberries per gallon then I use the juice I extract from 4 lbs.
good question on how much, I dont' extract fruit this way but i think it would also be decided on how intense the fruit flavor you would have extracted at the time (high intense fruit maybe not as much per gallon and then the reverse approach) aslo depends on the type of fruit used,I think using hard fruit as a base formula is ok,but not what i would chose,knowing I could add back in flavor if I needed to...just my thoughts............but i also thought 5lbs. per gallon was a rule of thumb.?