Blueberry Wine

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Senior Member
Sep 13, 2007
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I am at the last stages of my Blueberry wine. I have added the k-met and sobate and clarifier last weekend. I want to sweeten it up a little. I was thinking of using the blueberry organic juice with 3 cups of sugar. Once I add the sweetener to my taste, do I degass again? Can I bottle right after adding the sweetener or should I let it sit for a while?
OK one at a time.
Yes you can add the juice but I would reduce by 1/2 (simmer it off). that's like a f-pac. If you do that good chance you will need to clear it again. Thats why I add all "flavor" prior to clearing. I hope you degassed it before adding the finnings. It would not hurt to degas it again before bottling. Make simple syrup (2parts sugar to 1 part water). Add that to your taste. Before you do that "taste" the flavor after adding the simmered juice. (You may want to do more).
Tepe, I took 16 oz of the blueberry juice, added 3 cups of sugar and simmered, stirring to dissolve all sugar.
I will be adding and tasting as I go along, probably will degass while it is in the primary bucket, then rack to the carboy and let it clear for a couple of weeks.
Then bottle.
Sound about right to you?
I am kind of excited about this one because I have really let it "sit around" doing its thing.

Thanks for everyones help on this wine.
Degas in the secondary after the wine is @ .0990 just before you add the k-meta and sorbate. You can then add the f-pac/sweetener. It will need at least 2 more rackings before bottling. Fruit wines can't be rushed. They do and will take longer than kits. I usually bottle noy friut wines no earlier than 6 months.

I also filter (mini-jet) all my fruit wines just before bottling.
Remember its up to your taste for flavor and sweetness. You may want more of flavor or sweetness
Already added the k-meta and sorbate 2 wks ago. Will degass and let it sit in carboy for a couple of months.
Sounds like you should get a nice wine. Let us know how it comes out.

Today I got 1 1/2 bushels of peaches for FREE ! Guess what I am doing now.....
Thanks, Tepe. Gee.....lets see........peaches........maybe using a steam juicer???
Yep! got 4 gallons of juice from 1 1/2 bushel. They were VERY ripe and juicy.

Thats on top of 80# of peaches I got from him last week for $4.00. So, I think I got something like around 130#.I plan on making a"STRONG F-PAC". Thinking it may come out as like drinking peach juice with 12% alcohol.
wade said:
Tepe. I would like a bottle of this stuff!!!!!!!!
this can be arranged if I remember.. hic hic..
Remind me in 6 months.


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