bottle wax

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Junior Member
Jan 16, 2015
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wondering if anyone has much experience with bottling wax after corking. I have played around with a 1 lb batch i purchased from Morewine. Easy to use and cool the look.

Now to the question.....anyone know if it seals the bottle so well that it will inhibit aging in the bottle?

I plan to experiment with a batch and do several with the shrink wraps and several with the wax and see what happens down the road.......
I wax all my bottles - I push my synthetic corks down approx 1/4'' or a bit more and fill to the top with bottle wax. I will use a small electric crock pot or a tin can being heated up by the stove - the take a spoon and top off each bottle.

I found that I will sometimes will have to take a heat gun to them and remelt them so I get a better seal. I do This because I do not have room to lay them horizontally.