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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2010
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A couple of questions:

#1. After sanitizing bottles with K-meta, how many hours can I wait before bottling, can I wait till the next day?

#2. Adding Sulfate is a very exact science, why is Potassium Sorbate not?

#3. Sanitizing solution, 3 Tbs. K-meta per gallon of H20, how much Citric Acid?

Thanks. bk
#1 - Basically once its dry it can get contaminated.
#2 - Neither really are an exact science, Sorbate is added once and is good for the life of the wine, sulfite is tested because it dlepleats over time meaning youll need to know what is left to determine how much is needed when adding more.
#3 - You dony need to any any at all but it makes it a stronger sanitizer as it helps the S02 be released but also shortens the time frame it will last due to that so if your making abig batch I always add a pich of citric acid to just a little that I plan on using right then and there.
do yourself a favor and get a spray bottle and put ur Kmeta in there (lasts a long time) without citric acid. You can use this right before you bottle and just give each one a little squirt.

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