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Senior Member
May 28, 2009
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Hi All,

When bottling i understand to add the K meta and the p sorbate but i read that adding ascorbic acid as well preseves the flavor and color as well as helping out the k meta and the p sorbate. Any one with knowledge of this?
I have notheard of that one - I would be afraid the ascorbic acid would make the wine too tart
Its also Vitamin C I believe and usually used in the beginning to prevent the fruit from turning brown (oxidize). Not sure why you would add it before bottling
The ascorbic acid (Vit C) acts as a scavenger for free radicals (oxygen in this case) and binds to the oxygen to prevent the oxidation in the bottle if you get too much oxygen in it while bottleing <going from memory of a really good article I read but have no idea where ...>

Apparently this action against the oxygen neutralizes the acid (? didn't quite follow how that works, but that was the implication in the article) so it doesn't make the wine tart or have a lot of impact on acidity level. Also, it's a fairly short lived action as well...

I bottled a 1 gallon batch of white grape peach wine, and misread the bottle of ascorbic acid that I have, and added enough for 5 gallons instead of 1 gallon. I thought it was ruined for sure, but after a few months in the bottle it was just absolutely fine, and so, the proof is in that for me...

I'll try to refind that article.
Nope, I can't find where that article was, maybe I dreamt it but...what I came up with on google just now was a lot of cautions are against using Ascorbic Acid with low sulfite level, you need both -- or just KMeta!

Ascorbic Acid can induce browning/oxidation after an initial protective effect, and generally it's only used in white wines - apparently in red wine it could decolorize the wine somewhat.
K-meta and ascorbic acid are both antioxidants, but K-meta is stronger. Ascorbic acid is a more complex molecule, and as such is more prone to breakdown, which is why it went away after a few months. It will not give wine long term protection. K-meta will.

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