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Senior Member
Feb 14, 2011
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Did a little bottling a few days ago. I had approximately 6 bottles that the cork did not seat below the rim of the bottle mouth. There was about 1/4" sticking out above the bottle. I'm using the Portugese corker I got from Geo. I went so far as to uncork one and recorked it. No difference. Any thoughts or recommendations? The corks are 1 3/4" and the wine was up to the start of the neck.
Did you try adjusting the level of the plunger? The little rod is threaded(should be) and you can adjust the depth of how far the cork goes

Are those 6 bottles shorter than the others??
Is it the double handle corker? It may need adjusting
I use the double handled Potrugese corker as well and find the same problem with some bottles. I think the ridgearound the neck of bottles is not uniform in locationand some corks will simply not insert far enough. I try to toss those bottles when I open them much later.
Check the volume level in the bottle. If your too close to the cork and have a tight seal the back pressure will push the cork right back out or not let it go in all the way.
It certainly could need a slight tweak for sure. I actually watched a cork rise back up out of the bottle one time. That had my head scratching for sure!
Sounds to me like the bottles were filled too high. Are you using a wand as they leave the perfect amount of space under the cork.
I'm using a wand and the corks and bottle necks were moist. What was said about adjusting the corker makes sense, but there is no way to adjust this thing. It's put together with brads. If the plunger wasn't long enough it would seem that all of the corks would be sticking up proud of the neck. Bottles do not leak. Should I be concerned?
I have the Portuguese floor corker. I don't know if you can do it with the hand corker, but I have been able to push the cork down a little further with my thumb when it does not set down all the way.........
If your using one of the port floor corkers you adjust the insertion depth by twisting the round screw on the plunger. Turn it right 1 turn and that will let it go in a little deeper. You did not mention the liquid height in the bottles. Make sure you have at least a 1/2 inch air space. 3/4 to 1" is even better.

Jerry1 said:
I'm using a wand and the corks and bottle necks were moist.  What was said about adjusting the corker makes sense, but there is no way to adjust this thing.  It's put together with brads.  If the plunger wasn't long enough it would seem that all of the corks would be sticking up proud of the neck.  Bottles do not leak.  Should I be concerned?

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