I am very grateful for the microbrew revolution, but, as DJ says, we all drank the thin stuff for a large part of our existence!
On a hot day, or after a sauna on a cold day, I reach for a Schlitz (yes, a Schlitz) and am reminded of a cheeky advertisement from Miller or Bud a few years back: "Sometimes, there is nothing like a good ol' macrobrew!" (BTW, those who would scoff at Schlitz based on their crappy reformulated product in the '70s should try the brew they have now; it is a reconstruction of their original formula, and is quite nice for a macrobrew.)
As I say, I feel very glad that we have such a marvelous array of great beers at our fingertips these days. I really enjoy having so many good choices. HOWEVER, there is one downside that I have noted. With a gajillion beers out there, brewers have do go to extremes to stand out. Therefore, there are all these "quadruple-hopped IPAs," and trippel this, and 12% ABV that, and orange/cherry/pomegranate/curry sour ales, etc. I have tried random brews and found them waaay out of balance in these attempts to create a standout.