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Chronologically Gifted Member
Supporting Member
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
Central Ohio
I only know enough about computers to be somewhat dangerous but I have a problem with my email account that I cannot solve. I am hoping that someone out there can shed some light.

In my email account (Yahoo) I can send mail to people but they cannot reply to me by hitting the "reply" button. They can send a new email to me by entering my address without any problem. Can anyone tell me what is going on?

Thank you.
Are there multiple people having this issue?

Are they also using yahoo mail?
Affe, there are multiple people having the problem. The ones that I know of do not use Yahoo mail. There could be some that use Yahoo but I do not know unless the subject comes up somehow, like when I ask people if they got my email, they say yes and that they answered, but I do not recieve the answer.
Affe, I just tested the Yahoo thing by sending an email to my wife who also uses Yahoo. She replied and it did not come back to me. Crazy!
try this link and see if you have any malaware issues first


thanks steve
I am normally a guru if you want to send me an email I can see what I get and try helping you out. PM me and I will send you my email.
Thanks for the offers of help. The problem has been solved. Last year, I was hacked and the hacker changed my "reply to address" in my account. I have remedied the situation. Thanks again.
Glad you got it worked out. This stuff can be so frustrating. My new laptop updated the other day and now it wont turn the wifi on when I start it up. I tried reinstalling drivers for it and then F9ing it to save default specs and F10 it to save changes and then start it up and it works perfect, just that once though, next time the wifi is stuck off again and rinse and repeat! Freakin computers! Mike if you come on here with a Mac post Why I'll.....................................!
Gosh, Wade, you read my mind, even if Mike didn't see it yet. My Mac at home seems to have a lot fewer such problems than my PC at the office. 'Course, I paid 3x as much for the mac at home...
It's a known fact that as flexibility/power/options (read: choices) decrease, so does the number of problems encountered :)

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