Canned packed fruit, do I need a press?

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You dont have to freeze it or squeeze it daily. Just put it right into the mesh bag with the pectic enzyme, punch it down several times a day or at least once a day and when its been about 7-10 days pull the bag out and squeeze it then. The fruit is already broken up so the enzymes get in there easily and do their job. Ive used this product many times.
I made wine from that was great!
What I found recently was Walker's Fruit... 5 gal pails of juice. It's much cheaper gal per gal than buying the fruit... and half the work is done for you!! If you go together as a group, you get a nice discount on both the juice AND the shipping. I'm getting a pail of Niagara for $56 total. I don't think I could buy Welch's for THAT price! They have a LOT of fruits I don't have room to grow too. Best news is that I practically drive past it on the way to the kid's every year. I'll be stocking up then for sure!!

I agree, I actually just started a Rhubarb and a Riesling yesterday!
Best news is that I practically drive past it on the way to the kid's every year. I'll be stocking up then for sure!!


Debbie where do your kids live? I live about an hours drive from there and make weekly trips in the fall. Just take a look at the list of juices I have made from them in my signature line.
I can get free rhubarb here. I bought a steam juicer last year and that works great on rhubarb!! I froze it first, then steamed it, emptied it into canning jars and they sealed themselves! With a high acid like that, I wasn't worried about spoilage. I like to make spiced rhubarb... racked some off yesterday. It has fresh ginger and cloves in it... German style. A little like a Riesling!

We drive to Buffalo every year. Straight across on the interstate! WOW... it would be dangerous for me to live so close!! LOL

I see you've made some of the same kits I have. Piesporter is one of our favorites! I've done some Gewurtz too. I have several hundred bottles in the basement now.... I need to slow down. The first couple years, you just have to ferment EVERYTHING... now we know what we really love and what we can let go of... like the Beet wine I dumped yesterday... bleck!

Yup about a 10-15 minute drive from the I-90 exit. Have you stopped at the wineries in PA just before going into NY. There are a bunch of them right by the exit and a lot of them sell juice also.
I'm on batch #58 since I started back in July of 08. My signature WOULD look like that!

The most unusual would be the 2 beet wines made a couple years ago..I just threw 1 out yesterday... fun experiment... won't do it again! Bottled the other one... haven't touched it yet. I threw out a mulberry too... just not good enough to bother to bottle. I won't accept mediocre anymore... I have too much wine sitting around now to let something I don't feel good about waste my precious space!! I have a small house. It was fun to experiment with free fruits... but now, I'll probably stick to 5-7 basics and play with those. I've been dabbling in meads as well, so unless I buy a bigger house... I have to limit what I make!! We don't drink a lot of wine and many of our friends don't either. My daughters give some away, but it sure piles up after a couple of good years!

Can you post your recipe for the spiced Rhubarb that sounds good
5 gal Spiced Rhubarb (approx)

I started with frozen Rhubarb juice.. 2.5 gal- previously frozen, then turned to juice

K-Meta as usual
18 pts water= 2.5 gal
1.5 t. pectic enzyme
10# sugar (approx) SG 1.096
You'll need to lower the TA.. it comes in at 1.9!! It won't start properly if you don't lower it.
Calcium Carbonate will work- approx 5T. should do it
3 t. yeast nutrient
3/4 t. tannin
Lalvin 71B or EC 1118- I've used both!
In a muslin bag or large teaball put a 3-4" sliced fresh ginger root &
1T. Whole cloves
5-7 days should be enough for the spices... don't overdo it!
Continue as usual.

I also made this spiced with some white grape as an additive to start. That one is still clearing.

It comes out a little like a crisp Riesling!

I've been to several wineries near the PA/NY border. We try to pick some different ones each time. I didn't know anyone sold juice... however, depending on the time of year, and the travel plans... it could be rotten by the time we got home!

Naw just bring your primary, yeast and an air lock. I bought some juice from one of them this past fall and it was fermenting before I got home just 30 miles away.

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