Senior Member
Oh no, I had my bursitis elbow drained for the 4th time in 4 months. Got an injection of cortisone and put on an antibiotic for 5 days. No alcohol for 5 days.
What to do?
What to do?
Alas, I have two 5 gallon batches to bottle but they are not scheduled until the end of next month. This is a serious problem.
Oh no, I had my bursitis elbow drained for the 4th time in 4 months. Got an injection of cortisone and put on an antibiotic for 5 days. No alcohol for 5 days.
What to do?
Countrygirl, leave it up to the women to think of the obvious. I guess I will start a batch of strawberry. Thanks.
hey, i'm starting julie's strawberry breeze this weekend!!!
bought all kroger had! the cashier asked, "this is alot of juice". i told him, "it won't be for long"...
Larry, I was at a get together this afternoon with some guy friends and told them my sad story. I asked them if they would help me suffer through this and they all nodded positively but had this funny smirk on their faces.
LOL, how big of a batch are you making?
5 gallons...i hope...i bought 16 cans...that's all they had, but i can get more today if i need to.
what kind of strawberry are u making wiz?
fresh frozen
bought frozen
or juice?
That should be enough, if the flavor isn't strong enough for you, you can always buy more and use it as an fpac. I think I need to make another batch of this, you are making me thirsty. :<