Carboy covers

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Feb 20, 2007
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Hi all,
We made some carboys covers to keep the light out and "US". Seems all we do is watch the bubbles and wine, wondering how it is doing.
Found a cheap, I mean cheap , fabric . lol I dont like the fabric but the redneck hubby does!. Oh well, it works!
One is Green apple Rieseling and the other is Hard apple. Have another one not in the picture, it is Blackberry Cabernet. The gallon's are Peach, Loganberry and a Blach Cherry. Going to start a few more gallons today!
think I will go and find a prettier fabric also.
Edited by: Ippymiss
Lookin' good Ippymiss. You're far more handy than me. I putmy oldt-shirts on my 'boys!
Why Thanks!........ went out and bought some better lookin fabric today. Guess I will have to make some more for all our carboys!
Ippy...Post some photos of the new ones too....

Did you make some for the gallon car-babies as well??

What other wines did you mix up????Edited by: Northern Winos
Never thought of making the babies some I guess I will have to try my hand , I bet they feel naked.......!
I may start some more wine Friday , Hubby and I are going to Bristol Tenn at the end of the month, for the spring Nascar race and I dont want to come home to wine that needs tending to. The critters are all growned up, and just about ready to fly the coop.......(RIGHT)We do have to work to support our wine habit ! and what an expensive habit. I would like to look into buying that Fruit steamer you talked about in another post....... But will keep ya posted on the other NEAR future wines
Oh yeah....... did ya notice the ugly foxes are upside down in, one of the covers ..... hahaha
Yes Wade, its very cold here and expecting about 5 inches of that darn white stuff tonight. My babies have to keep warm.
Ippymiss said:
Oh yeah....... did ya notice the ugly foxes are upside down in, one of the covers ..... hahaha

Now that you mention the foxes I see can fix that easy enough...

I did notice your Pie Safe in the corner....that is an antique Pie Safe isn't it????
well........lmao, My hubby made it in 1997. and it took him 1 1/2 hour to punch the tin , each piece....... it does look old, but no its not an antique. you made his head so much bigger then it already is..... pssssssst....... I want to get rid of it, know of anyone that wants it? lol

we share the same name on here...... so you will have to guess who is posting..........( clue) its all in the spelling. Edited by: Ippymiss
Pie Safe = New Yankee Workshop? Nice job on it. It looked like a fun project but I never got around to it. I was too busy building our house then.
He says he saw a pie safe at a craft show and came home and decided to make one. We were not married at the time......Newlyweds here! 4 months!

Im here and turning this bachelor house into a home .
Congratulations newlyweds! And nice carboy covers! I too use an old T-shirt! Not handy with the old sewing machine! Sewing machines just don't seem to like me!Edited by: jsmahoney
Ippymiss said:
well........lmao, My hubby made it in 1997. and it took him 1 1/2 hour to punch the tin , each piece....... it does look old, but no its not an antique. you made his head so much bigger then it already is..... pssssssst....... I want to get rid of it, know of anyone that wants it? lol
we share the same name on here...... so you will have to guess who is posting..........( clue)  its all in the spelling.

Don't get rid of that Pie Safe...would it make a good wine botle storage cabinet??? got me wondering....who is your other half who's also Posting here????
Oh...maybe they are using the same name....but when the words are mis-spelled it's the Ippymister logging on...?
Ok, think I will keep the pie safe......... My hubby does post with my user name, he now says he will get his own name .lol I told him to use IppyMister....... and he laughed. he will probably make up a redneck name so everyone watch out! since our wine's are named Hillbilly Hill Wine .There is a picture postedsomwhere on the site of our label.
He asks the questions I just do the follow-up's and the normal "woman" chit chat!...

We did make more covers for the carboys , will post some picts later.
here is a pict of one of the new covers........ looks like a cow, but was cheap, even put pockets on them . Cant wait for spring to get here so the wines can go down to the basement. We have a room all ready for them, its too cold down there now and I dont want to heat it yet.
When the wine goes down I get new carpet ......... whoooopppppppeeeeeeee~ I dislike hardwood floors, I painted the house with the notion of getting carpet (paint on floor)but, wine and nascar , football and anything that you keep score with. .....LOL...... plus the plazma and Bose system, come before carpet . OH yeah see the gun in the corner...... have to add Hunting too.
We( he)are rednecks! for sure
Edited by: Ippymiss
Here is a pict of the oustide of our house , just getting finished with our pond and some of the landscaping....... see the deer antlers around the deck! Traffic light on the tree.