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Jan 6, 2008
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I always wonder why it is people do the things they do. And being here day after day snooping through the articles and tips, I can't help but to ask myself one question, Why do youmake wine ? What was it that happened in your life that made you get into this hobby?

Care to share ?
Back in theearly 80's I made wine with a club in Houston. When I moved to Memphis in '84 there was only one brew shop that concentrated on beer more than wine, so I just stopped.

In early '06 SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed - my wife, Virginia) got a high cholesterol test (turned out to be a bad test). Since we knew that red wine was good for that, I started making wine again. A new shop had opened in Memphis, still primarily beer, but with some wine stuff. I bought a starter equipment kit and a Merlot kit (10L RJS).

I also Googled red wine and health and found the "Wine and your health" thread on the forum here. Since then I get everything from George, and have made the Merlot (bottled, and not too many left), IM Strawberry White Merlot (for my daughter, but SWMBO's friends like it too), MM All Juice Amarone with raisins (Bottled), MM All Juice Chardonnay (bulk aging), WE Selection LE Mouvedre/Grenache (in secondary). I have another IM kit on deck, and am waiting for the arrival of the MM Meglioli Barolo to arrive in late Feb.

That's about it. SWMBO's cholesterol is fine, but now I'm hooked.
I love that SWMBO!! I had a heart attack in 1997 and had quit drinking anything alcoholic since 1994. Last year I tried a glass of home made wine from a friend. Since red wine is supposedly good for the heart, I started wine making. Now here I am gleaning all I can while I can
I have always loved wine, ever since my parents took me on a summer vacation down the Rhine valley, drinking young wines on the riverside. (I was 17 at the time).

I don't drink anything else. But... I prefer what I make at $5 a bottle than anything the stores have to offer. I enjoy the process, the satisfaction of doing something worthwhile (I also make my own bread, although if you want to check out someone who is hyperactive look at Stinkies threads) and I'm thinking about cheese.

I give half of what I make away at Christmas and get a lot of positive responses. I like people telling me nice stuff about me.
I remember helping my Mom make wineas a kid from the Concord grapes that grew all around the house. I didn't even drink wine when I started, my wife did. I love it now though.

I was actually researching beer making as I love real beer. She had memories of the exploding beer bottles from her Grandmother's beer when she was a kid so I looked toward wine.

Now I make both beer and wine and couldn't be happier. I keg my beer so the wife isn't worried about any exploding bottles.
We grow all kinds of fruit and I was steam juicing the fruits into breakfast drinks...
Then came the timewe had too many jars of juice to use up, the steamers instruction book said the juice could be made into wine......we were drinking wine all along and finally a light bulb went off.....

Things haven't been the same since....the gardens have grown with more fruits, the root cellar has been rearranged, the rest of the house has wine making stuff in almost every room...I have learned so much from this Forum and met many OnLine Friends....and...

Life is Good!!!!
Growing up I followed my Granddad around like a puppy, and the first of the month he would allways go to a gathering of his friends at one place or the other for a mens night out taking me along. They would feast on wild game or fish from the last fishing trip someone in the group had made. The guys would allways make sure H.T. brought along one of his jugs. They would play poker, pitch horseshoes, or just sit by the fire smoking a big cigar or pipe and tell tall tails about how they rassled a grizz or struck it rich panning for gold. That jug would get passed around most of the night and I would allways get a taste. It might be strawberry, watermelon, grape, dandylion, or corn squeezins, and it was allways right smart tastey with a kick almost as hard as a Missouri mule.
When Grandad passed the family decided I should be the one to get his jugs as I was the one that seemed to spend the most time with him. Those jugs lasted quite a few years, but I never seemed to find the time to fill them again as I was busy with everything that life had to offer. Was only after I retired that I thought of filling up granddads jugs again. I gooled up how to make wine and got started. So hear's to you grandpa the family tradition continues with my grand kids and I.
A few guys at my church decided to start a beer brewing club. It's a lot of fun and it got me thinking about what else I could make. We only meet once every couple weeks which isn't enough for me.
I initially thought about making whiskey untilI realized the legality issues of distilling my own liquor. Then I found the FVW page. My mom is real big on tradition, especially around Christmas time so I decided to start a new tradition of starting a batch of wine on Christmas Eve and not opening the finished bottles until the next Christmas. Of course, once a year is still not enough for me as fun as this hobby has turned out to be, so now I have four different 1 gallon juice and fruit wines going and I started a WE Merlot to give to my church to use as communion wine!
My Step son gave me a wine making kit for my birthday several years ago because of the concord grapes I had. He said "pops" you should makeus some wine out of those grapes. What started out as a hobby has gotten out of hand but no regrets. My 13 year old grand son helpes me with my wine making and will take over when I can no longer do it so I guess we are starting a tredition.
I started making wine in Feb, 05........ Why???? Because it can be done! Thats why I do most of the things that I do (hobby wise), because I can, because it can be done. My wife and I don't really drink a bunch, maybe twice a year I'll have a couple Scotch's or a couple of beers, My wife would just have a couple of beers a year if that....... so it wasn't because of the alcohol effect.

My wife and I like a good Johannesburg Riesling, but they were hard to come by and to call 1/3 of them good was a stretch. So making wine kinda peaked my interest...... then I ran across a web site that had a Riesling Ice Wine and a Johannesburg Kit...... That sinched it, I was making wine a week later.......... and ever since............. Oh yea...... My wife and I are also learning to drink more................. thats fun too!

Edited by: jobe05
Well I got started at a really early age, I was aout 9-10 I reckon when I snitched a glass full of strawberries from the bowl Mom was preparing them in to freeze. I snuck out back with em and when she hollered at me I got scared and hid the glass in the tool shed, forgot about itand found it about 4 months later...........NOW YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY !!!
It all started at a wine tasting in Shelton, Ct. where they had a Black Currant wine that my wife loved very much. It was $14.50 for a 375 ml bottle and she was getting 3 of these a week which was really adding up so I looked into wine making and came across the Vintners Harvest wine base cans and decided to give it a go although made 2 Mist wines to get a better feel for it first. I started this endeavor early 2006 and cant stop even though both my wine cellar and wine making room runneth over!
We had a neighbor that made home brew. He had a book on making wine. I don't know what it said. I didn't read it. He just told us how much sugar and fruit we needed to make a gallon. Back then there wasn't as much spraying going on and the were wild grapes and elderberries everywhere. Most of the time that is what we made. It was nothing like we do today. We didn't add yeast or any of the other usual additives. Once in awhile it was almost drinkable.
But if you were a kid behind the barn who knew what it was supposed to taste like. That was nearly fifty years ago. Then I got to many grapes a couple of years ago and I'm back at it again. This time it is a little more predictable. Time to get down off of the soap box and let someone else on.Edited by: swillologist
I think ....the fascination came when I was about 9-10 when my Dad had me piciking dandelions in the churchyard for his wine. And I remember.... the smell....isn't it funny how smells are so memorable?.... of the cellar where he hadbarrels of wine (cherry, and others) that I remember watching him check on...maybe gravity...maybe just a taste... and the "wax" the pariffin smell....when he would seal the ...cork, bung....stopper...back up or what ever they called it back then. I don't know whybut the smells stuck with me. My Dad is 80 yrs old and still makes wine.

That Cellar was scary, didn't want to go there except for the "smells" that were so captivating.....fermentation, honey.....memories that are always there... inthe front of my mind somehow.

I wanted to savor a very pleasant experience at a young age...even though I didn't know why at the time.

Maybe it is a genetic thing.......none the has been fantastic!!!

RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
Glad you were able to carry on the tradition. It was hard for me being a "girl". There were 4 girls and no boys. It must have been a disappoint ment to my dad....back in those days, 50-60's, to have only girls...who were not acceptable in that time and place to pass on the wine making secrets to.As I look back ,I wonder...if I had been a boy...would I have been racking, and tapping and sipping and tasting?? Yes, I'm sure I would have. My other sisters didn't care about what Dad did....but maybe..... just maybe one of us would have loved to be involved.

So now...I carry on....and have a special bond with Dad...our converstions go on and on about wine......and he are better at it than me,, kid !!

The torched is passed !!!!

RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
To everyone that shared :

Those were some interesting stories, books could be written and movies could be made with those, some very entertaining, others very sincere and others with emotional connections .

It was so great to hear of your starting days.

I stumbled upon wine making by mistake, being into the hydroponics scene, I have spent almost 13 years now tinkering with plants and waters and chemicals and lights. But there were little to no forums that offered me an inside ( think outside the box ) place to ask, challange and create. But in the ( sub-culture) forums, there I found people that were always pushing the envolpe. We came up with good ideas, some that I now see are on the market, " so I wasn't able to cash in on my ideas like other took and banked now " at least it was great to be on the forefront of the designs.

So while they were hiding in their closets worried about the blue and red flashing lights, my apartments were covered in pipes, tubes , water bubbling tomatotes growing, so on and so forth.

My nitch was catnip, one year at a christmas party I was visiting some friends and family and for some reason their cats were center of attention, I joked and asked if they ever bought their cats cat nip, and their responce was, my cats never liked catnip. I bet them I could grow some hydro catnip that would drive their cats wild, so the bet was on, that following christmas I came over with my catnip and their cats went ape crazy, every christmas after that it was an on going joke that everyone that had cats got catnip as a gift.

So while on the hydro forums, there was a post about how to make your jail house wine, the 1 gallon jug, 3 welchers concentrates and a ballon with holes. I tried it, liked it . but only ever made one batch, life was just crazy, with loses of family members, my divorce and the crazy speed of the northern mantaility, I just jumped in my car one day and headed to florida with no plans, no directions and nothing that couldnt fit in my car.

I got a chance to slow down, stop and breathe, and I slowly decided to get back into the tinkering with wines, now it seems to have calmed me. I have always had patience, plants grow at their own speed no matter how many high tech goodies you use, just as the wine takes it's good old time. it centered me a bit, taught me it is ok to slow down and just be for a moment in ones life.

And as I always liked to tinker every year with making new catnips as gifts with changing the flower colors, and cloning, and this and that just to keep it one step ahead of the year before, to hear people that try my wine tell me it's outstanding, well that just is the best moment, it's not that I do it to fish for compliments, but all the effort, reading, thinkng and patience that goes into wine, just to hear " I love this wine, you really made it yourself ? " is so worth the time spent.

Again, I was blown away with all the stories posted, I hope they keep coming !
GOOD MORNING ZEMBER311//I want on a service call (no COOLING) when I got to the house the basement doors where open and a man was out side,he walk over to me introduced himself and I proceed,to ckeck his aAC out then when into the basement,and seen those big vessels full of stuff,asked what was in the jars he said wine,ask if when the time came if he would take me with him and get me started.That following sept. bob called me and we met up with his fathers crew in coollingswood NJ// 55 strong,wouldn't of believed it if i didn't see it with my own eyes at 6:00am all standing outside his house waiting for the word to advance,his father came out and got in his truck and away the caravan went,accross the bridge to PHILLY,over to percattucci bros. produce,352 5gal. buckets and the parade went back accross the bridge,each exit we lost a few of the followers until back at his fathers house were they proceeded to show me how, 6 stops later we were at the last house it was bobs and then it was my turn and i was alone with my buckets,armed with onyl a little wisdom,but i had bob to call upon and i did,and that's history as they say 7 years later
Iwill never forget thatday for .it was great!
Edited by: joeswine
joeswine said:
GOOD MORNING ZEMBER311//I want on a service call (no COOLING) when I got to the house the basement doors where open and a man was out side,he walk over to me introduced himself and I proceed,to ckeck his aAC out then when into the basement,and seen those big vessels full of stuff,asked what was in the jars he said wine,ask if when the time came if he would take me with him and get me started.That following sept. bob called me and we met up with his fathers crew in coollingswood NJ// 55 strong,wouldn't of believed it if i didn't see it with my own eyes at 6:00am all standing outside his house waiting for the word to advance,his father came out and got in his truck and away the caravan went,accross the bridge to PHILLY,over to percattucci bros. produce,352 5gal. buckets and the parade went back accross the bridge,each exit we lost a few of the followers until back at his fathers house were they proceeded to show me how, 6 stops later we were at the last house it was bobs and then it was my turn and i was alone with my buckets,armed with onyl a little wisdom,but i had bob to call upon and i did,and that's history as they say 7 years later
Iwill never forget thatday for .it was great!

Oh how that story made me miss NJ, Thought I would never say that when i lived next door in Pa,

But I MISS MISS MISS Tuckerton, Oh the crabbing memories !
Oh the crabbing memories ! I sure hope your talking about the normal size 1's

never herad anyone say they missed n.jjjjjjjjjjjjjj.,thats a first for me! However I do call it home.
,I'am not to far from tuckerton,just down the road aways.

Edited by: joeswine