charles shaw wine

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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2009
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If you want to have fun google the top 4 selling wines in the country and see how 3 of them are related, I won't give it away but sure is fun
Charles Shaw...don't you mean 2 buck Chuck...

By me it's actually 3 buck chuck, I used to like it until I started making my own.
We have a few bottles courtesy of my neighbor. Pretty good especially for the price.
Charles Shaw...don't you mean 2 buck Chuck...

By me it's actually 3 buck chuck, I used to like it until I started making my own.

East of the Mississippi its called 3 Buck Chuck.. $2.99 a bottle. Trader Joes sells it here in NJ
Last week in Santa Rosa, Ca, at Trader Joe's, it was $1.99 a bottle.
I meant the top 4 winery 1. Ernist and Julio 2. the Constellation group 3. Wine Group and 4. is Bronco Wines. The guy that owns Bronco is the son of the guy that use to own The Wine Group and is the cousin of Ernst and Julio. Bronco makes Charles Shaw. Wine group makes Oak Leaf for Walmart