Cherry Wine what are my options

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Senior Member
Oct 30, 2011
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I have 9 cans of red tart cherries 14.5 oz each in water. I was thinking about options so that I can get 4 to 5 gallons because the canned cherries are pretty pricey.

White grape/cherry juice in bottles
Cherry Koolaid
Cherry Jello

I am looking for a lot of flavor.......
Could wait about 6 weeks, for cherry season to get rolling & get some fresh cherries.

If you're looking for a lot of flavor, then you'll want a smaller batch with a higher fruit-lbs/gallon....

If you add anything besides real cherries, i'd stick with the white grape/cherry juice.. I wouldnt go the kool-aid or jello route myself, but i know theres people who've used kool-aid when backsweetening their skeeter pee. Jello would most likely cause some sort of clearing problem because jello is meant to be, well, jello :)
I agree with Deezil, stay away from Kool-aid and jello. And yes cherry season is coming up quick plus I beleive Old Orchard sells a white grape/cherry frozen concentrate.

In the past I have used Juicy Juice to get me up to the desire level I was looking for.
What about jars of Cherry Jam? I believe I missed the cherry season here in NC.
You probably did, I keep forgetting you guys are farther ahead in the growing season, yes if you can get cherry jam, use that and don't forget, take a hydrometer reading before adding any sugar.
Deezil, there are fresh cherries in Desert Air. And they are GOOD. I bought 10 pounds and had them gone before I got to Ellensburg
Deezil, there are fresh cherries in Desert Air. And they are GOOD. I bought 10 pounds and had them gone before I got to Ellensburg

:) What the hell had you way out there?..

My dads property is actually on them hills between ellensburg & wenatchee
I went home over Snoqualmie. My father in Law live in West Richland and the drive down the river is faster than going though Yakima. My Sister lives in Hermisten and Uncle lives in Walla Walla. Long weekends are made for driving and seeing Family