Hello, finding this thread I thought this may be the place to reply and ask this question. Excuse me I put it in another place also. I am tfying to figure out the system.
I have attempted to make the above Recipe switching to Raspberries.
Wade E’s Chocolate Strawberry Port Recipe
3rd day SG was 1.150 so I added Water to get 1.110
4th SG was 1.070 added Sugar Syrup…
5th SG 1.090……warmed wine & sugar
Let sit a few days Put into Carboy …lots of bubbles
17th day SG .090 ( not certain how to write this, the 90 above the Red Wine Bar)
Sadly getting a film ontop.
18 Racked to fresh Carboy.
19 Today I realize after reading stuff here, the SG has been in the same place for days and maybe now is the time to add Brandy and Bottle.
Oh, ought I to put more Campden tablets in now???
What say ye
Again, thanks, Spring Road~~