Christmas Lights

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Senior Member
Jun 2, 2007
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My wife has been asking me to put up the Christmas lights for a couple of weeks so last night I did and she is not talking to me today - I just don't understand - - -



Merry Christmas all!!
Nice application.

One year I had a broken leg at Christmas....I put a wad of Christmas lights in a one gallon jar and plugged it in...wasn't bad.
It's more lights that what we have hung so far! I think it's great! I bet you're the only house in the neighborhood that has a display like that!
my wife just looked at the post rrawhide and said"This is something that I would do, what club do you guys belong to"
Can I take that picture an blow it up Rawhide? I will hang it on the front of my house and then I could be done.
Don't bother putting your sock up that coal dust is hard to get out.
I got the ultimatum last night........

Wife: I,m Going to the store to get stuff for dinner, I want the Halloween pumpkin off the porch and the XMas lights up by the time I get back......

Me.... : Yes dear.......

So I went to work........

Pumpkin is off the porch!

And the lights are up!
And did you get dinner after that? The deck looks damp. You could use the excuse that you might get electrocuted if you worked with electrical wires in the rain. Or better yet, tell her the lights could get shorted out in the rain and you don't want them ruined.
Yea, it's drizzling out today........

Was dry last night...... dark, but dry.

I did get dinner last night, but was up most of the night.............Hmmmm.......

Maybe I'll go fix those lights.....
Maybe put a santa hat on the pumpkin then it can stay?

The only decorations I have to do is put up the tree and put the lights on it....Done
I do the cooking so at least I'll get to eat.

Enjoy the drizzle, snowing like a sonofagun here.