I have one in Kentucky that I restored that's a very similar,twin basket style press. Mine is over 150 years old, plus the 40 years I've owned it, and I've rebuilt it twice to date. Last time around I used white oak for the frame (bit heavier posts in back than what's shown above) and my baskets are done in osage orange, aka hedge wood, which last close to forever, plus SS screws. I used the original bolts where posible to maintain authenticity but did it to use overall. My apple holder is oak and original rectangular shape. My acme screw top has 4 posts and I feel it's older than the one above but very close overall.
I'll throw in the squeeze bags too! FWIW, I am a professional level wood worker and sand blasted all the old metal and epoxy primer and enamel too. I added two wheels and handles to allow mobility. Stored inside.
Eastern Kentucky location, about two hours east of Louisville, KY and same distance below Cinn, OH, or west of Charleston, WV ~ the same distance.
Mine came from a farm near me in Bath Co, KY and I taught with the lady whose family owned the press so it's provenance is well known.
Message me if you have interest? I can do pics is a sale might happen.