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Senior Member
Feb 13, 2007
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Been a little hectic around here of late, figured I'd start a "what if" batch of...stuff. So, threw together a gal batch , used the following as I recall.

2 can Welches conc
1 apple ( why not)
500 grams of red wine raisins
24 oz clover honey...mmm honey
the usual suspects,
1/4 tsp pectic
1/4 tsp tannin
1/2 tsp acid blend
1 campden
1 tsp nutrient

Mixed up on 12/6 , pitched yeast (Montrachet) on 12/7.
Made starter , figure honey , and fact sg was 1.10 it may help. Things did get going good, hope it ferments to dry. Will need some time in the bottle for flavors to come through (if they do)


Usually place a loose lid or towel on top for primary ferment, figured this is what the store gives out all those plastic bags for


Nice thing about this hobby, for a few minutes every day all is right with the world. Got the drive and sidewalk shoveled, get the kids, grandkid, and a few others ( I think we adopted and I wasn't informed) up and on there day, then off to visit my wife, should get to come home Thursday hopefully. Then late tonight, I'll visit this baby again, and all will be well!
Looking good there in Minn JW. Sounds like you have a full day. Does it have that new baby smell? Hope it doesn't develop the stinkie diaper smell!
Wow, hospitals have internet now, wonder how much the insurance gets billed for this! No Baby, No Way! Wife has some tumors in abdomen found in October , removed yesterday, Dr. says today maybe home tomarrow... maybe. Sure hope so. She is doing well. Been going to Dr visits most every day, whole thing complicated by diabetes and a few other issues. Pray this gets her in the right direction.
Good luck to the both of you, and especially her. Here's to her speedy recovery.

How is the baby doing at home? I think I hear it burping..............
Good luck to your wife...those internal tihngs can be really scary...
Hope she is on a speedy road to recovery and that your 'Baby' is doing well too.
The Little Stinker got to come see Grandma today, the second they moved her for a bit, he jumped in....think he was having Deja a place he saw some seven months ago...Didnt like it he couldn't climb all over his Grandma, she didn't like not cuddling with him too, guess all in due time.
Here's to kids, grandkids, and a speedy recovery for your wife, JW.

racked the "what if" batch this A.M., smells really good, taste...well...its really high octane already, no doubt will need some age on it. Started a second run with some apple/strawberry/banana juice and another bag of raisins, make a earlier drinker out of it.
Looks good there JW. Did it finish dry?

Now about that second batch. Apple, strawberry, bannana, and raisins? Wow, that sounds interesting. Where'd you get the bannana juice? How big is this batch? Good luck with it.
JW.....How is this one tasting????

I am thinking about trying a Honey Wine with our own Grape Juice...[Concord type flavor]....Just a couple gallons to start with.
It shows alot of promise NW, hard to tell so early with the high Alc (higher than I usually go) If its anything like the meads Ive made it will need to be tucked away and forgotten for some time. K&G that juice is an Old Orchard blend. Don't know if you guys see that is AZ, there both one gal batches, just to have some room freshener going.

I think it cleared pretty well, bottled yesterday before work, now tuck it away and forget it for a year or two!
It was fast, hope it doesn't drop a ton of sediment in the bottles

Wife is doing great, was released from DR Friday, went to work Sat...she couldn't wait!

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