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A few guesses on shelf life

* yes it can be free of defect but it will have changed, ex my mom’s 1978 black raspberry carboy was low on acid taste/ balance when I started using her stuff in 2001. i have seen with my rhubarb that the total measured acid decreases when I go back and measure TA on five year old wine. I am guessing that acid combines with alcohol producing esters over time. So to have a balanced ten year old wine you will need th start with high acid.


* the bottle needs the high oxygen barrier synthetic corks/ and in your case Dawg keep using them.

* the wine needs to run high on free SO2 when you bottle, target at least 50 ppm and possibly 75 ppm at bottling

* the white wine should have the maximum dosage of a low flavor tannin added. ,,, Another effect I see with black raspberry is that mine starts with “normal“ fruit taste > at 12 to 18 months it is obviously astringent/ which I guess to be small size tannins complexing into larger flavored tannins > the tannins continue complexing into larger non-flavored tannins/ ie mom’s twenty year old raspberry didn’t have astringent flavors.

* there is some work at AWRI with oxygen scavengers built into screw metal caps, ,,, or the nitrogen flushing, ,,, or vacuum corking  > with the goal of reducing the normal bottle shock/ oxidation when the wine is bottled
