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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
One of the things that keeps me going back to vendors is customer service. As a purchasing manager I have on a lot of occasions shown vendors the door when they do not give me the service that I pay for.

So with that said, I, also, love to blow the horn for those who go out of their way. BrewandWine Supply is one of these, Doug is more than willing to make sure your visit to his site is pleasurable.

The other one is not one of our support vendors but there are members who buy from them. It is

I placed an order on the 16th for some concentrates. Somehow my order fell thru the cracks and he did not realize until today that my order was never shipped out. I received a call apologizing for the order not being shipped and was told that it was now being overnighted and I will receive it tomorrow. That is customer service!!!!!!!
As a retail manager for more than 30 years I learned the power of happy customers long ago. Customers are never hesitant to complain when something doesn't go as planned or feel they weren't treated as they should have been. It's a shame only a very, very small percentage will go out of their way and tell the store manager or salesperson when they are happy. Kudos to you Julie for posting this. I am sure you made someones day by doing so.

To the people who scream and yell and say the customer is always right, not so. The customer is only right until safely out of earshot. :D