Cutting racking canes in half

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Senior Member
Mar 5, 2012
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I am considering cutting racking canes for two reasons

1 so that they will be short pieces that will fit in a five gallon bucket with a lid. I will put some kmeta in a bowl and store canes and tubes in it.

2 have shorter pieces for falling film degassing.

I am thinking of joining them with tubing.

Anyone doing this?
Sounds like a winner .. I wouldn't use any type of adhesive on the couplings though.
I haven't but I don't see any reason this wouldn't work so long as the tubing used to join them is airtight and everything is sanitized.
Hmm.... My experience with canes is uneven. I have a 24" that works perfectly. I have a 36" that I can't get to hold a siphon for hardly anything and when it does it siphons real slow. They both look the same, just the one is longer.

Then my friend just took a length of 1/2" CPVC, slapped a nipple on the end. Drilled a hole in the side, threaded his tubing down to the bottom of it and there ya go. FREE!

Your idea could work, maybe join them back together with real tight tubing. I never had a worry about just leaving them to air dry, but if it is a worry for you, might be worth trying. They don't cost much if it doesn't work out.
I sell the complete small degassing cane with bung - it's also flexible so it can't break. That's all I use for racking. I leave it always attached to the racking. Cane and pull sulfite thru it using the vacuum.
Yes the idea if using tubing should work - given that you find the proper hose that will not leak under vacuum