Dessert Wine Trail/Camden Tablets

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Nov 9, 2010
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Hi all just started to make a red grape dessert wine only a gallon batch, its concentrated juice and got the S.G reading at 1.115 do i need to add a camden tablet before or after fermentation not quite sure?
That gravity reading is a bit high. @14%, that's fine as long as that's what you want.

You should add camden before starting to kill off any bacteria. Being that your juice was frozen, and has been for awhile you wouldn't have to sulfite that. However your additives, water and chemicals, as long as they are sanitary you will be okay. If you have questionable water then definitely add your camden. Better safe than sorry.

Once fermentation is complete, rack off gross lees and add 1/4 teaspoon per 5 gallons. Prorate that for your gallon.
Actually dessert wines usually have a very high starting gravity to balance out the high ugar content that they usually end up with. If this is a kit then no do not add any sulfites before fermentation, if this is fresh juice or fruit then add the sulfite to hold off any wild yeast to let the wine yeast you will be using do its job but give the must 24 hours after adding the sulfites before adding your yeast to let the high S02 level come down a little.