Does anyone recognise this kit?

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Jan 10, 2012
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There is a local lady selling these kits for $45. Ive never seen one in a bucket before. Has anyone tried this kit or know anything about it? Thanks

Looks like Paklab International Series. Where do you live?

Some people think that this is an all juice kit. I strongly doubt that it is. Not a kit that I would make for myself, but if you're looking for a cheap amarone.

Here's a link to the Canadian sales store. It's selling them for $90. Which makes me wonder what the date is on the kit.

Im in BC , The lady operates a store that sells damaged goods from insurance claims and stuff. The last kit i did was a (retail) $45 from Superstore. Could you tell me what the taste would be close to Merlot? Shiraz?
An Amarone is really its own think, closest thing to it would be a Valpolicella. That bucket is most likely like the RJS bucket where it is a concentrated kit and they add the water for you but I havent heard anything good about them, I hope this brand is different. The only juice buckets that are any good are the Mosti All Juice, they are the only "All Juice" buckets and even with them they dont compare to a grape skin kit IMO.
Thanks for the feedback, maybe i will think of spending a bit more on my next kit than $45 on this one.
The lady with these kits, she is blowing them out for $30 each. Worth trying one?
Leeboy, at that price, sounds like a deal. From what I can see on the label, it is an "all juice" product, i.e. no water required. Thirty bucks for 30 bottles! Sign me up.
These as the same as RJS buckets are concentrate set up by the manufacture to be used in places that have water problems. They are not real juice. These kits have a date of manufacture on them make certain they are with in date or your wine will be oxidized before you even start it. Amarone is a rich type of Valpoicella. The grapes in a true Amarone have started to raisin before they are harvested. This concentrates the sugars and makes for a higher alcohol but the balance is there as there are extra tannins ETC. Kit Amerone all come with raisins and take two or more years to fully develop. They are nothing like merlot or Shiraz.
Leeboy, at that price, sounds like a deal. From what I can see on the label, it is an "all juice" product, i.e. no water required. Thirty bucks for 30 bottles! Sign me up.

No Water required does NOT mean all-juice (which I already said in this thread). Could mean all concentrate that has been reconstituted, but I think that these are mostly concentrate with some juice.


$30 is a remarkable price for 30 bottles of wine. I have never made one of these kits, but I knew a couple of people who made the Paklab pails (back about 2003-2004). They felt that the whites were good, but that the reds were not so good. The reds were probably Shirazes because that's what Costco tended to carry back then.

Is Amarone the only variety available?

RJB raises a good point about age, and I'll mention the storage too. On an insurance claim who knows what the storage has been. I'd be bit more concerned about a white than a red.

She has a couple skids of these, and i did notice there was 3 kinds, with Amarone being the more . I will see if i can get the other names.
For $30, depending on how much I had on my pocket at the time........I'd go for it! Maybe throw some fruit or something in it to doctor it up, give it more flavor (mmmmmm blackberries!)
I bought a bucket of Reisling juice last fall for $20. It had been sitting in a chilled area of the warehouse for the better part of a month. It was already half fermented so I just threw some more yeast at it let it sit for a couple weeks, finished it and now it's actually really good, to the point where I'm probably going to get a few buckets next fall :)
Leeboy said:
The lady with these kits, she is blowing them out for $30 each. Worth trying one?

I have the Argentinian malbec kit of this brand sitting in a carboy bulk aging now. When I last racked it I would say it was a bit thin. It is now sitting on a bunch of french oak for a while I expect it may be OK but not that good.

The flip side of that is I did only pay 42 for mine. At 30 I would buy another, but if it were a red I would definately be adding things to it. Were I to make another of these I would probably add stuff to it for more body. Raisins or blackberries or both, along with oaking it while aging
Might want to add a grape pack to it, but heck yea...for $30 I'd get one of each variety.
This would make a great kit to have for top-up wine at that cost; if they have a merlot, that could be a good generic topup for red wines.