Drink up! It's coming!!

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
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JohnT's Lent posts guilted me into giving up alcohol last year. ;) And frankly, it's not such a bad idea to 'take a break'. So I'm doing it again this year; but man, it has come up fast! Its just a little over a week away. So if you're in this year, drink up! "The End" is near. :dg
ATTA Boy! As usual, I will be on the wagon for lent.

Common folks! who else is willing to give this a try??

Give it up from ash Wednesday (the day after Mardi Gras) until Easter??
I'm giving up sacrifice for lent. ;)

Tsk, Greg!

I plan to sacrifice several bottles of wine on the altar of my taste buds for Lent. Situation normal. But that just feels so wrong. I am riven with guilt. I know! I promise to raise my glass and say "Thanks!" after each refill. Ahhhh - I feel so pure now.

Now here's a priest with a sense of humor!

Yet another reason why I'm not Catholic (no slight meant to those who are... I married one). I'll be happy to take up the slack caused by those Poor Souls who give up booze and other pleasures for this or any other holiday. I'm available for Yom Kippur, as well. Have glass, will travel.
Jim, funny you should mention altars . . . We have a wonderful century old church altar for our tasting room bar.


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