Duck Dynasty Cookie Cutter

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Feb 9, 2010
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Does it seem to anybody else that all of the latest Duck Dynasty episode are exactly the same? The last new episode that I watched left me with the strong feeling that I have already seen it. After thinking about it, the last number of episodes feel like they have all been made using the same cookie cutter....

Here is what I mean. See if this sounds like every Duck Dynasty episode over the last year.

(cold opening)...

CEO-Bearded-guy says something that only he thinks is funny.

All other bearded guys go silent for 35 seconds.

Uncle-bearded-guy, guzzling iced tea, shows that he is lazy by either something he says or does.

Baby-son-bearded-guy brings up the fact that he needs help with some insignificant chore involving a party that the bearded guys wives are planning or something having to do with someone's yard.

(roll introduction)

PaPa-bearded-guy takes advantage of a son or some of his grandkids.

Wife-of-PaPa-bearded guys cooks something, then makes a monolog to the camera about how she supports her family.

Papa-bearded-guy makes fun of his daughter-in-laws being from the city.

Baby-son-bearded guy goes makes a monolog to the camera about what she cooked.

Papa-bearded guy gives the thumbs-up and watches a Jason-Born movie and does not move for the rest of the show.

(new scene)

CEO-Bearded-guy does (or plans to do) something that all the other bearded guys think as being unmanly.

Baby-son-bearded guy makes a monolog to the camera about how it is unmanly.

(New Scene)

Bearded guys are doing their chore when something either falls over or collapses.

Uncle-bearded-guy makes a monolog to the camera explaining how it is not his fault.

CEO Bearded guy makes a monolog to the camera explaining how it is his fault

(New scene)

All bearded guys, kids, and wives sit at a table while papa-bearded-guy says grace.

(Roll Credits)

does it seem that way to anybody else?
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When you have to explain to the camera all of time it does take away from the show. I still watch first episodes but cannot watch any reruns, and there are plenty of them.
That's the case with most "reality" TV. Regardless of the setting, a carefully scripted formula is followed.

CMason mentioned sitcoms. I'm sure a lot of us remember Three's Company from the 70's. Almost every episode of that show was the same: a misunderstanding followed by further misunderstanding, with some innuendo thrown in, all ending with a few hugs and laughs. EVERY show was like that. It was uncanny. We are sheep and will watch anything! :)
It was uncanny. We are sheep and will watch anything! :)

I also watch Amish Mafia once in a while. I spent the last three days in Lancaster where it is supposedly filmed. The local people laugh at the show and what a joke it is and the same with the characters. They said most of the characters (including the girl Levi is chasing) have been arrested or in jail. The local paper makes a big deal out of it every time one of them is arrested. Basically Amish folks who didn't make it in the community and now trying to cash in on the show. that is funny JohnT! I used to really enjoy watching the show but I agree that it seems to be on its way out this year.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making that is funny JohnT! I used to really enjoy watching the show but I agree that it seems to be on its way out this year.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making

Same here. I started out liking the show, but I think the writers have just given up. I think that the "Duck Dynasty in Hawaii" is where they jumped the shark.

Personally, I think this whole "Phil is anti gay" thing was engineered to respark interest in the show.

I like the Amish Mafia. They are not kidding anybody about how fake it is, but I find it rather entertaining.

It is kind of like TV wrestling. Fake, but entertaining.
Here is the mark of a show on its way out. It hits Wal-Mart. Every "reality" show that suddenly is marketed BIG in Wal-Marts soon fizzles. Goes all the way back to "Monster Garage."

And I don't know about where you love, but here you cannot walk past the doorway of a Wal-Mart without being assailed in every department by Duck Dynasty merchandise. Might last another season or two, that's it. Of course, they all were millionaires when it started and they all are even mores now.

You are so right. Even up here in "Yankee-land", our walmarts have a TON on DD merch.

I would say, though, it is not when the merch is in the store. The real sign is when the merch is in the store and is MARKED DOWN.

You are so right. Even up here in "Yankee-land", our walmarts have a TON on DD merch.

I would say, though, it is not when the merch is in the store. The real sign is when the merch is in the store and is MARKED DOWN.

Well, my tracking indicates that when the merchandise first floods the store at full price (and by "floods," I mean you can't set foot in any department without finding something branded by the show), you can bet the series is over within 2 seasons after that. It's never been wrong yet. But you get bonus points for noticing that even the former best-seller DD books are now on deep discount. DD should have 1 more season left.

The boys all have close ties to the area where I now live. In fact, the dude who helped them dream up "the formula" for the show and writes many of the scripts is from Huntsville, Ala., where I sit now. Si used to be deacon of a church near Huntsville, too. Sure, it's over-exposure but they got just filthy rich doing it. Is this a great country or what? :)

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