Dusting Muscadine Vines

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Ernest T Bass

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
I was dusting my muscadine vines this afternoon and a neighbor came by and was quite impressed by the way I was dusting them. I thought probably everyone else knows about this, but he didn't think so. Anyway, here's how I dust them. Cut one leg out of a pair of panty hose (used to just one hose) and put about a cup of dust in, hold the two ends, one in each hand and gently shake the hose. You will waste very little dust. If you have only a few vines it may work for you, it works for me.
Semper Fi
You have bug problems with your Muscadines? Down here in deep South Louisiana I have not had any type of bug problem since I started growing them.

That is a pretty cool way to dust them though.
I've had some leaves curl up with little white things on the underside of the leaves and ants on my vines. I don't like the little devils on my vines.
Semper Fi
I know this is an older thread but wanted to say thanks for the tip ETB. As a Georgia boy, I'm trying to grow some muscadines here in Hawaii. I bought one of those hand powered air pump type dusters. It works so-so. Will try this method as I only have 5 vines. Thanks again.

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