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I can now say I am a "starter solution believer". I've had a chance now to compare dry-casting, OEM rehydration, and starter solution. Maybe not surprisingly, OEM rehydration works almost as well, maybe  the same. Rehydration per the EC-1118 data sheet added in the morning was starting to ferment by the time I got home after work and was clearly going the following morning. I added starter solution last night to two batches, one new (24 hours after K-Meta and one that I accidently dosed with K-Meta again at 24 hours and I added Starter at 48 hours. Both were clearly fermenting this morning so about 12 hours.

One thing I am not clear about is the long wait before using the starter. I boiled 8oz of water, added 6tbsp of sugar,  added the EC-1118 when the water had cooled down to 98.6 degrees (label rehydration temp) and waited a few hours until the mix was close to room temp. The foaming started very quickly but after about 3 hours, it seemed to be slowing down. So not sure what one gains by waiting 12 to 24 hours per that article.

I think I am going back to using bags. Much harder to sample the liquid when it's comixed with fruit pulp.
