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Senior Member
Jul 22, 2008
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I have read a passing mention that elderberries have been researched in Australia for treating influenza and arthritis. They improve the white cell count, and combat inflamation. Anybody have any OLD family recipes for medicinal tonic? Elderberry is an American icon, in many old songs and stories. I would like to try it, but the abundance of recipes available is daunting. Which one to try? So many recipes, so few carboys!!!!!!
I am also on a quest to grow and make Elderberry Wine....

Our member Cracked Cork is an expert on Elderberries...


I wonder if all the health benefits of fruits and berries carry on when fermented....
Ditto that Northern. I'm awaiting my elderberry plants to arrive from Double A vineyards in the very near future.
The many blue stains on my basement floor attest to the fact that I have a lot of elderberries, but not as an expert. One of the wineries that also sells elderberry juice as a supplement had to retract claims it worked against viruses as this is as yet unproven in the medical world. I like to believe it helps and hope making wine out of elderberries preserves whatever medical benefit it has, they claim grape wine is healthful, so why not elderberries? Crackedcork
Thanks for the link Tepe. I plan on picking a ton of them this year and that's some useful information. The wild bushes on our farm have never gotten as big as the ones on Cracked Cork's wineyard.
Maybe you need more s__t I mean fertilizer.
Amazing what you can find when not looking.